Chapter One- Alone

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Authors Note

In this story I've changed the age of Beyoncé. She starts of being 20 years old.
2nd October, 1991

Michael's Pov

I took a swig of water from my drink bottle and laid down on the hard floor. I was exhausted from rehearsing for a short film shoot I had coming up. My days were full of recording sessions, meet and greets, rehearsals and interviews. It was getting to be too much almost but I couldn't stop, I needed to do this for my fans.

The radio playing in the background suddenly caught my attention while the announcer was talking. "And wasn't that a blast!? Next we have a new hit from the it group of today, Destinys Child! This single is already climbing the charts so give it a listen" I sat up and looked at the radio curiously to hear the song.

"Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you, say, "Baby I love you"
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You acting kind of shady, ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change?"

One voice stood out to me, a beautiful melody and the best notes. Beyoncé. I smiled weakly and felt myself blush at that thought. I definitely needed to talk to her.

"Mr Jackson?" My personal assistant, Maria walked into the room frantically with her phone against her ear. "Yes?"
I stood up and dusted myself off. "Mr Dileo is requesting to speak to you." She held the phone up and I accepted it nodding. She smiled and ran back out the room.

"Frank what's up?" I asked softly. "You have a party to be at, get ready Mike" he said simply. That was news to me, I had nothing scheduled for today. "I don't know Frank I've been so busy. I think I just want tonight off" I wasn't up for this and he knew that. Frank sighed and cleared his throat, a sign that he knew I wasn't budging....


I walked down the red carpet with Brooke Shields holding my arm. We shared a kiss and I could hear hundreds of cameras go off. Deep breaths Michael and put on a smile. When we got inside Brooke instantly let go of me and straightened out her dress. "I'm sorry Brooke, I shouldn't put you through this" I apologised quickly. She shook her head and smiled.

"You've got an image to upkeep, I understand." Frank suggested that we pretend to date. Something about shaking the gay rumours and getting more speculation for the album I was about to release. I told him no straight up for a number of reasons. The first one being that Brooke and I had actually dated in the past but he convinced me after saying that she was okay with it. I didn't even care about the rumours, they didn't bother me and I had my fans but I also had a secret. Something the media could not find out about... For the sake of the ones I love.

Brooke walked off to a group of people who she knew well, her friends. If only I had some of those. A waitress walked by holding a tray of wine and offered me one. I shrugged and took it before walking further into the party. There were a number of celebrities here but everyone singled me out, asking for autographs and what not. I found myself sitting alone at a table in the back, near the stage where various people were performing. I ordered some food and prepared for a night of loneliness here, no one wanted to get to know the real me.

After an hour or so someone tapped my shoulder and pointed towards the stage. I sighed and got up. Of course Frank signed me up to perform. I walked onstage and grabbed the microphone. I was going to put my all into this, every single time.

Beyoncés Pov

I was laughing with Kelly at something Michelle did and took another shot. I was on my way to the tipsy village that's for sure!

"Girl, close your eyes
Let that rhythm get into you
Don't try to fight it
There ain't nothing that you can do"

I looked at the stage and smiled dreamily. Michael Jackson. He knew how to make a girl feel. I watched him intensely while Kelly and Michelle were still messing around. They started whispering excitedly but I was too distracted to listen. "Beyoncé!" They yelled in unison. I jumped and stared at them slightly annoyed until I saw the looks they were giving me. "Girl you gotta get a piece of that!" Kelly announced. "Yeah, you think he's good in bed?" Michelle asked quickly. My eyes widened at my two best friends. "Uh huh" Kelly agreed. They both stood up and pulled me out of the booth. I saw Michael walking offstage and they must have too because the next thing I knew he was right in front of me.

A bodyguard stepped out of nowhere and blocked my view of Michael. I shrunk away shyly, a little relieved until I heard him say "let her through." I gulped and snuck a look at him, feeling overwhelmed. "Hey?" I shook away the feeling as much as possible and gave him eye contact. "Hey... I'm a big fan!" I blurted out without really thinking it through. Michael chuckled and held out his hand. "Thank you Beyoncé. Would you like to dance?"

To be continued...

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