shitty update (lol sorry)

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Hey guys.

Sorry, no memes today.

Ive been trying to update this story every day, but as you can tell, iT AIN'T WORKING OUT

You see, unlike most of you, I have a life,(barely lol, btw its just a joke, don't get too butt-hurt) and I have things to do, and trying to do all of those things, and find new fresh emo memes every day for you guys, is to much for this small minded, simple, weak human I like to call myself.

Well, I honestly don't really think I count as a human at this point.
I don't think I count as a member of society anymore😂😂😂
I am nor man, nor woman; nor human, nor alien.
I identify as both trash can, and toilet😂😂😂

My pronouns are either "piece of shit", or "garbage"😂

Okay, getting off topic.

What im saying, is since I can't update every day, I will try to update this story on certain days of the week. I will try to update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (And take the weekends off, cause this bitch is looking beat the fuck up, and im planning on sleeping on sleeping the entirety of the weekends)

And hey, Crankthatfrank uploads new videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday too, so if you are subscribed to him, you'll get doUBLE THE MEMES.

Okay, I don't really have much else to say, soooo bye.


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