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Tess' mother woke up in December when everyone was preparing for the holiday. She was given plenty of therapy sessions to help her overcome the loss of her two daughters. Tess' mother unfortunately died before Christmas could come. Cause of her death was deemed a suicide, but the trial still stands as cold murder from her husband.

Ingrid Pane graduated in the top ten percent of her class. She received a lot of love and attention when she came out, but not everyone supported her beliefs. Those who did supported her.
   Ingrid took over her father's business like she had hoped to. His business ended up thriving because of his daughter. Ingrid ended up meeting Violet, a girl who she was business partners with. Ingrid plays the violin at a professional level now. Ingrid ended up making millions of dollars on her own without the help of her father.

Reece Archibald met someone a week after his little hook up with Tess. The news of her death was disappointing but he was quick to get over it and move on. He graduated and won a scholarship for his advanced cellist skills as a high schooler.
    Reece moved back to France to be with his mother. While in Paris, unfortunately, Reece's house was robbed. He witnessed as his mother was held at gun point. Reece managed to escape but not for long. He was caught and then later gunned down a couple of miles away from his lavish mansion.

Mr. Daniels was charged with sexual assault after many accusations rose about him molesting his students. He was searched, and that's when they found explicit magazines featuring small children and adolescents in his apartment. He was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison, but his stay in prison wasn't a long one.

Jade's grandmother moved into a new neighborhood after the story of what had happened next door. Her life has changed for the better now. She makes cookies, and donates to shelters. When she has nothing to do, she talks to at risk teens so they have someone to support them. Everyone knows her because of the good deeds that she does out of the kindness of her heart.

Now the person you've been waiting for.....Derrick. Derrick was never given a sentence. He was murdered before his trial. Their deaths were global news, spreading from coast to coast. People were disgusted by what he had done to Tess and her family. Churches held masses in honor of their death. People donated a lot of money to help support Alex's family and Tess's mother, before she passed. People walked the streets alerted as strangers walked past them. No one felt safe any more.


Remember that this story is fictional. All of these characters are made up. Don't hate me, hate the book. Well...don't hate the book because I worked very hard to make this book so that would hurt my feelings D:.

If you want questions as to why I made my book this way then you can continue. If you don't want to continue then I would like to thank you for sticking around.

If I get enough comments, and possibly enough votes, I WILL make another ending of this story. It will be much, much, much more happier. I promise!

Thank you for reading. I truly hope you liked this story. It took less than a month to make this story 😩😭. I tried my hardest to edit, but I will go over it again.

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