Chapter 21

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Derrick sat down beside me on my bed. I didn't know what day it was, or what time it was. All I knew is that I was stuck in bed all day crying my eyes out.

"I know you're sad about this, but Alex wouldn't want this for you."

"Alex isn't dead," I laughed. "He's in this room right now. Why hello there, Alex!" I waved at Alex across my room. "He just waved back at me."

Derrick hovered over me in terror. "This isn't the life I want for you, Tess. Once you accept that Alex is gone, you'll feel better."

"La, la, la, la. I can't hear you!" Using my hands, I blocked out his nonsense.

Derrick heaved a heavy sigh before talking. "Some guys are waiting downstairs to talk to you. Please freshen up before you go downstairs." Then like that, he got up and walked out of the room.

I didn't care about how I looked. Nothing could give me life anymore. There was no reason for me to use up my energy in order to conform to what society deemed acceptable. It was understandable what I was going through, I was sure that they realized that.

       My hair looked a mess. The blue in my hair was slowly fading away. My hair had grown so much since I dyed it. At the roots you could see three inches of black coming in. My face was breaking down, primarily in the T zone of my face. Normally I had somewhat clear skin with acne here and there, but it had never looked as bad as it did that morning.

"Tessa Durand?" Three guys stood up when they noticed my presence. One of them took out their ID from their shirt pocket to confirm their authority. "We're here to talk to you since you're the last person Alex Lee had interactions with."

"What would you like to know?" I raised my eyebrow. My eyes mainly looked at the guy in the middle. His face seemed all too familiar....but where? He had very dark black hair that were excessively gelled so they would stay stick up. His eyes were endless pools of blue. In them I could see every inch of emotion he was bubbling up inside. It was so easy to look past him, look right at him, deep into his soul.

"We want to hear the story. What happened to you and the young gentleman on the night of your high school's Halloween dance?" The guy to the right spoke up. His voice was oddly high pitched. He was the type of guy to kill without an explanation. You would expect his voice to match his appearance, but you thought wrong. He was a brunette with long, curly, shoulder length hair. His eyes were a forest green color. He had such beautiful eyes. They were eyes you could get lost in forever.

"Alex and I were together that night, but not for the whole night. While he was socializing with some sophomore boys, I decided that I needed to sit down. I went over to a wall to reset my energy. Alex came over not too long after I had sat down. He told me that he had missed me." I moved my head back to look at the ceiling. My true reason for doing that was to push the tears back in as I thought about Alex. I had found myself struggling to continue talking. "I'm s-sorry, I can't."

Lauren ran to me and hugged me. My head rested on her shoulder as she rubbed my back.

"Sorry, we need you to continue." The ginger haired man cleared his throat as he adjusted his tie.

"Alex kissed me but I didn't kiss him back. Instead, I got up and told him that I was breaking up with him, then I ran out of the gym. When I was outside, a girl by the name of Ingrid Pane came up to me."

      "Ingrid?" The man in the middle looked at his coworkers.

       I nodded, "yes, Ingrid Pane. She took me home. I didn't see Alex or hear of his death until this morning when my sister informed me."


     This chapter was so boring to write oml! Normally when I'm bored my stories get darker, but the next chapter is probably my favorite chapter!!

   I'm going to try to lighten the mood slowly, thank goodness. Stick around for more ;)! Please don't leave just because Alex is gone :(! I worked so hard on this book, it does get better.

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