Part 4

36 2 17

    "You're spacing out again." Alex snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. He ruffled his brown hair from in front of his eyes. The lighting of the classroom caused his hair to seem an ominous black.

I growled at him, annoyed by his childish behavior.

   "I recently started working out. I can feel my abs emerging from my stomach fat. Want to feel it?" He winked at me.

I grabbed a pencil from my desk and sketched furiously on my desk. I erased my sloppy product afterwards. "I'm trying to work on something important," I lied.

        "Hey, I heard about your mother. That's really unfortunate," Alex walked his fingers on my desk, "when do you think she'll wake up?"

   I shrugged. "I really don't know. All I know is that I really don't want to wait months or years questioning whether she'll wake up or not. I want her to wake up now."

"You told me you hated her." Alex laid his hand on her desk. His dark brown eyes gazed at my face. I was a bit uncomfortable with his head on my desk.

I sighed. "I was just being a moody teenage girl. Now I've come to realize how much I love her." I pushed Alex's face off my desk with light force. He seized my wrist which got him a warning glare from our substitute teacher. We both chuckled under our breath. Before the sub could say anything, the bell dismissed us. Alex, even though we had next period together walked alone to class. The results were posted and I was dying to know whether I made it or not.

"Hey, Tess!" a voice called out. I tilted my body to look around for the person. Bad choice. The large mob of teenagers waiting to see the result shoved me out of their way.
I was pushed into a boy with hair as black as night. His lips smirked at me. On the right side of his bottom lip was a silver piercing.

"Honey, you don't have to throw yourself at me to get my attention." He winked. He backed up into a locker smoothly. He drew his leg up, then he crossed his arms. His deep blue, odd color for someone with black hair, eyes gazed into mine.

"Don't flatter yourself." I rolled my eyes before walking away from him.

I waited as the large mob disappeared before checking to see whether my name was on the list. After quickly scanning the cello section I decided to take my time and do it again but much slower. Still my name was nowhere in sight.

"Hey, Tess!" The voice called out one more time. Before I could respond, my head was being yanked back by my hair. The unexpected event caused me to drop my sketchbook and backpack. I turned around to see the person. It was Ingrid Pane, the girl who hated me but refused to tell me why. I ignored the pain receptors in my head that we're going crazy. I wanted to fight her but I held myself back.

She smiled at me, her arms crossed, and her head cocked to the side. My eyes trailed to hers. I bent down and picked up my stuff. Her eyes were thick green forests filled with killer vegetation that threatened to lure me in.

"I was going to tell you excuse me but then I remembered that rules don't apply to me." She cocked her head to the side."

  Since my parents raised me to be respectful, I just ignored her. Surely enough she would leave me alone.

"Since my father is basically in charge of this stupid town it's not a surprise that I know quite a lot of stuff. Just some stupid irrelevant your mother's coma, right?" A sly smile stretched across her face, almost so wide she resembled the joker. "Perhaps it was because of alcoholism, or drugs, right? Or are you going to pretend you don't know your mother's high school history? Guess she isn't as innocent as you think, right?"

"My mom would never drive intoxicated." I couldn't dare look in her eyes. All I did was do what I went to do: look at the list.

"How cute," she giggled. "I'm first stand violin, but....oh my!" She gasped. "Your name isn't on this list, poor shame." Ingrid twirled her bright yellow skirt.

The final bell rang. That meant I was automatically tardy. Ingrid smirked at me before turning around to leave.

             "Ta ta, love" she giggled before leaving.


Mr. Daniels stood rigidly in front of the class. His posture was awkward. My body was centimeters away from the door. I was lucky most of my classmates had their heads buried in their books. Alex looked at me sympathetically.

"Tess" he smiled when he saw me enter. That got everyone's attention. Their heads perked up to witness the scene that was my humiliation. "Sweet, sweet, Tess" his smile obliterated. "Go to the office."

  "I was waiting for some entertainment" a familiar voice greeted me. The same boy from earlier with the lip ring sat on the chair. His legs was spread out on the desk in front of him.

"Excuse me?" I said to him.

"What gave you the decision to dye your hair blue. I'm not saying I don't like it. I'm just perplexed."

         I sat two seats beside him. "Fashion statement."

The two ladies who were usually at the front desk weren't there at the time. I knew the principle was listening to our conversation because every time I looked over at him he would look away from me.

"You're not from here are you?" He asked.

"I've lived here all my life." I instantly regretted telling him.

He chuckled. "Sounds boring. My father sent me here because he was hoping my playboy ways would die down and I would transform into a 'man' or whatever.

"Why are you here?" I asked changing the conversation.

He smirked. "I was looking for an angel. To my luck, the angel found me."

       I ignored his nonsense. "Why are you actually here?"

   "The blond lady in here, the secretary, is incredibly hot. I come in here everyday and hold a conversation with her about her dying marriage."

"Is that seriously-" I was cut off by the door creaking open. Our attention both went to the slender body. The woman's physique was athletic. Her bleach blond hair was the first thing I noticed. It seemed odd for her olive skin tone.

"Tess?" Her smile faded. "Why are you here?"

"Me." The boy smirked. I glared at him annoyingly.

"I walked in late to class" I downcast.

She shook her head at me in disappointment. "You were a stellar student. I did not expect this kind of behavior from you."

Goes to show how well you know me, I thought.

Until We Meet AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora