Chapter 22

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(Flash back to when Lauren went to the movies with Derrick) -For best results, listen to music while you read. Since I wanted to lighten the mood, I went with an upbeat song.-


Derrick and I had just come from watching a horror movie at one of the theaters downtown. I drove us there but on our way out he insisted that he would drive.

"Ever since I started dating you I found myself wanting to be better and better each day." It wasn't often that Derrick said such sweet words to be so I had been shocked.

"There's no other person I would rather be with," I smiled meaningfully.

Derrick drove us to the Symphony Hall where we spent two hours witnessing a concert. I couldn't help but picture my life as an orchestra. The conductor was Derrick, and the instruments represented my heart. The conductor, Derrick, would control my heart however he wished. Sometimes it would be bumpy, loud, and frightening, only to slow down into a beautiful melodic peice.

I leaned my head onto Derrick's shoulder. After so many years I could tell that Derrick had finally fallen for me.

Once the orchestra was finished Derrick grabbed my hand. He started to dart outside as if he knew something was about to happen inside the hall. The day sky had fallen to a beautiful ombré of colors.

"Where are we going?" I said but he must not have heard me because he kept running.


  He took me to the back of the building where beautiful tables had been decorated

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He took me to the back of the building where beautiful tables had been decorated. The sky was incredibly beautiful, I couldn't help but notice. The color's shone on the water, mirroring it. The beautiful city in the back made the scenery even more captivating.

"This is incredibly beautifu—" I was cut off because the musicians came from the back door. We watched as the conductor made his way past us and looked at his string instruments. With such a simple nod of his head, the music started playing. Tears streamed down my eyes as Derrick kneeled in front of me. The musicians came circling around us.

"There's no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with." Derrick reached his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. He opened it to reveal a shiny ring. "We've been together for several years now. There's wasn't a single moment when I thought I wanted to be with someone else. You're the only person for me Lauren Durand Wilson. Would you gladly accept my love by becoming my wife?"

I covered my face. I was crying tears of joy, I didn't want people to see. "Oh gosh!" I repeated multiple times. "Yes!" I jumped up and down. Derrick took my hand and gently put the ring on. I couldn't refrain from jumping into his arms once the ring was snug around my finger.

       Some people came to investigate the commotion. Next thing I knew a swarm of people were around us taking pictures as Derrick and I danced to the orchestra.

           "This is so cliché," I smiled happily. Derrick had his arms my waist.

            "Sometimes life needs that to distract us from all the chaos."

      Time was frozen still. It just felt like Derrick and I were the last remaining people. My love for Derrick was ongoing, I knew where I saw myself in ten more years: with him. I wanted to be beside him through thick and thin.

"Derrick?" It hurt me because there was something I wasn't being honest about. My subconscious was yelling at me to shut my mouth, but I had to tell him.

I could feel Derrick's breath kiss my neck. "Yes, honey."

"There's something I want to say."

His eyes looked at me softly. I could see sparkles dancing around, twinkling in them. They shone brightly, igniting the sky. They radiated off of him and bounced into my heart.

"I never want this moment to end." It felt like someone hit me in the gut. I was too afraid to tell him it. Not at that moment.

"It never will." Using his strong arms, he brought me close to him, closing whatever tiny gap that was between us. His lips tasted of candy, so enticing. I wanted to forever hold on to him, but deep down I sensed death. The death of our relationship.

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