"Enough of that. Where's my granddaughter?" Laura diverted. She turned to me and I handed her Elizabeth. Her face lit up as soon as she was holding my daughter in her arms.

"She's growing up," Laura remarked, smiling. Elizabeth smiled, causing Laura to laughing.

"It's insane," Sara said. "She's going to be 3 months old soon."

"When are you having another kid?" Allie asked eagerly. I laughed and Sara looked shocked.

"I don't know, maybe when Elizabeth is about a year old?" I answered. Sara was beet red.

"Elizabeth is so cute," Allie said, taking her niece into her arms. She smiled at her and gave her kissed all over her face.

"Thank you," Sara replied. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple. She smiled and Laura smiled at us.

After a bit of chatting, everything was cooked and the table was set. Mr. Patterson arrived just in time for dinner. Once everyone took their seats, we said grace. Then we ate. The food was absolutely delicious, and I made sure to tell Laura as much.

"Thank you, Harry," she replied with a smile.

"So, do you two have any plans for Christmas?" Mr. Patterson asked.

"We're actually going to England to spend Christmas and New Year's with Harry's family," Sara replied, taking a sip of her water.

"That sounds like fun," Allie cheered. I could tell that it was a bit disappointing to Sara's parents that we wouldn't be in the States for Christmas. But I really wanted to see my family and I know that Sara did too.

"So, Harry, are you going with Sara to the police station when she gives her statement tomorrow?" Mr. Patterson asked nonchalantly. Sara froze and gripped my hand under the table.

I cleared my throat and said, "If Sara wants me to accompany her, I will." Sara relaxed a little bit and loosened her grip on my hand. She smiled at me gratefully. I knew that Sara was dreading going to the police station the next day. I also knew how much she hated talking about Griffin in general.

"Will you have to testify in court?" Laura asked Sara.

"I'm not sure," Sara replied uneasily. She was starting to shake a little bit, so I changed the subject and asked Allie what she was up to.

"I got elected for homecoming court!" Allie exclaimed with a smile.

"That's awesome, Allie," Sara said sincerely.

"When is homecoming?" I asked.

"Saturday night," Allie answered.

"Is Jack taking you?" Sara asked, taking a bite of her turkey.

Allie's face fell as she said, "He, uh, broke up with me, so I'm going by myself."

"You're not going by yourself," I interjected. Allie looked at me with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" she asked warily.

"I'll take you," I replied as if it were obvious. Sara smiled next to me and Allie's jaw dropped slightly.

"Harry, are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious."

"Oh, my god, thank you! You're the best almost-brother-in-law ever!"

Allie got up and came over to give me a hug. I smiled at her. I knew it would be a bit odd for me to be at a high school dance, but Allie deserved to have a great time. I knew it wouldn't be as fun for her if she went alone.

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