Chapter 20

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I stepped in my space, smiling around me.

"It's... uh... black." I let in a little light, brought some Ladybug and Chat Noir inspired chairs and sat myself down on my own personal chair. They raped as a giant flat screen appeared from out of no where. "I can control things in here. That's why I call it my space. Not a lot of people get to come in here by the way so consider yourself lucky."

"It's amazing!" I glanced at Marinette as she sat on the red chair with black spots. I read her mind.

"Marinette, I don't hate you. You're a really nice person and I'm sorry if I was rude in the last chapter. I just... let me set this straight. I don't care what happens as long as my ships are together in the end."

"That isn't a very healthy relationship-"

"Who says I like healthy things?" I smirked. She rolled her eyes, a relieved grin on her face. Adrien stopped trying to find a wall and ran back to us.

"So... we're in a book huh?"

"Yep. I can do anything I want with you cause its my fanfiction."

"So we're not the actual Adrienette?" I shrugged.

"Can't help you there dude. I don't know how to explain it. It is how it is though. That's all I got. Now shut up, the reality short film is starting!" I picked up the remote and pressed play.

Plagg ran through the school, panting as he caught her in an empty classroom.

"TIKKI! TIK WAIT!" She stopped, knowing she was trapped. He locked the door and slipped the key into his pocket. "We. Are going. To talk. Now."

"Where's the key?!" He smirked.

"It's having tea." She walked right up to him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him close to her.


"I told you. Having tea."

"This is no time for revenge Plagg! This is serious-"

"You're right. It is. So shut up and listen." For a long time they just stood in that position saying nothing. She let go of his shirt and sat sideways on a table swinging her feet absent mindedly.


"I have questions-"


"Listen!" His left hand shifted. He bit his lip and turned to her. "Why did you run? Did it not occur to you that the kiss affected me too?! You should have just stayed and talked about it! It's not a big deal-"

"No Plagg! It is a big deal. I hate bullies. They... they are mean and cruel and they hurt people. They enjoy it too! And instead of just walking out. Raising my head up high like you would've. I stooped down to their level. I did exactly what their eyes told me to do. And I risked our friendship in the process. I'm... I'm so sorry Cheese. I never meant to hurt-"

"Well you did okay?! You just walked out on me Tik. Stop running! Just stop! Tell me the truth right now. Now or never. You've... You've been bullied before... haven't you?" She struggled to speak but the words never came. She nodded instead. He looked at her in shock. He didn't think she would say yes. Not for a minute. Her heartbroken face said it all. She obviously wasn't lying. His sympathy turned to worry then rage.

"Who did this to you Tikki?"

"N-no one-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME! I'M IN A BAD MOOD AS IT IS..." He hid his shaking hand behind his back, hoping it would die down. "Tell me Tik. Why haven't you told me-"

"It was... because it was the bee miraculous okay?! There I said it! It was Pollen! And... And I know you've had a crush on her for centuries now. Don't lie to me, it's true. I overheard you talking to Wayzz about how amazing and beautiful she is and I knew you were talking about her! That's why I didn't tell you."

He was quiet. Then he laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed again. She rose an eyebrow.

"Gee, thanks Cheese. I just admitted that I've been bullied and you're laughing at me. Gimme that ke-" he hugged her and kissed her at the top of her head, playing with it like a ball of yarn.

"You're an idiot. All those centuries ago i was talking about you! You and only you! You will forever be my first and my last Tik." Her eyes widened.


"Of course!" She wrapped her arms around him.

"You are the best chaton."

"I know."

"Are you kidding me?!" I glared at the screen.

"They're worse than - okay, that's impossible. But definitely second. Are you kidding me?!" I grabbed a mic. My voice interrupted them from the speaker. "You do realise said you are beautiful and amazing his one and only and he will love you till the end of time right?!"


"Uh oh."

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