Chapter Ten: Introductions

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Tapping his map he asked to be led to Room 739 and the green line led them towards a stairwell. Less then ten minutes later and they were in front of the classroom, the door looked normal enough. Grabbing the handle he entered the room to find that near the front of it was a chalkboard and only seven desks. Behind that was a large area the back wall full of storage cabinets. All seven desks were lined up in a single row, three of them were already occupied.

Nivora sat in the middle desk, a book open on her desk reading again. The farthest chair from the door sat another young woman, her chair had been moved almost a full desk away from the one next to it. She had shoulder length black hair, looking at the door her eyes narrowed with hostility a large scar across her neck and up the right side of her face stood out. She had vivid green eyes as she scanned them focusing more on Ash then the other two maybe deeming him more of a threat. Her eyes slid back on Nivora as she looked away, pure hatred crossed her face momentarily before she stared forward slouching further into her chair.

In the closest chair sat a tall lanky man, his arms and legs chiseled with muscles. He had light brown, almost blonde hair that was shaggy and halfway down his neck. He sat in the chair will his arms crossed and stared at the window in front of him. "Well, we sure have the most friendly team ever." Kyroth whispered to himself as he walked over and sat down next to Nivora, Syn sitting down next to him. Ash shrugged and walked all the way over to the farthest chair he could get to and sat down. A low grumble could be heard coming from the mystery girl but it subsided after a few seconds.

Now all that was left was Charvor to show up and the entire team will be there. Part of Kyroth hoped the arrogant jerk would just not show up. Checking out the window he guessed that it had to be close to time for class to begin, yet no teacher had shown up or Charvor for that matter.

A few minutes later and the door opened up and a short woman strode through the room. She wore a flowing orange dress, her blonde hair up in a bun held together by what looked like a bone needle. She wore black boots, that seemed a bit out of place for the outfit, but who was Kyroth to judge her. When she got to the front of the class she she looked up, brilliant red eyes looked back at them. "Good evening class, I am Professor Assera. You can call me by just professor if you would like or the full thing. I see we are missing one." She stated raising her eyebrows at the empty chair.

Shaking her head she continued, "So let us go over quick introductions starting over there. Please stand up and state your name and element." Pointing towards the woman on the far end next to Ash. The look she gave the Professor was not kind at all but she did as she was asked.

Standing up she spoke up, a rich voice escaping her lips. "I am Ia, and I was given the element of Arcane." Her face blushed just a bit as she told them her element. Kyroth had not even heard of it, going over the eight in his head again just to make sure.

"Arcane huh, well you do not see that often Ia, I feel you will find in time that it is not a hindrance but a gift." She winked at her student, but it did little to nothing to help break the ice as Ia sat back down glaring at everyone staring at her. Professor Assera waved for Ash.

"Hello Professor, I am Asheen. Please call me Ash though, and I was gifted with Darkness." Ash bowed his upper body holding his hands to his sides for a small moment before returning back to his seat. So the man held to manners more then his normal demeanor would suggest, Kyroth noted.

"Very good, I always enjoy seeing what those with Darkness as a element grow into. Next!" She stated skipping over the empty chair and going to Nivora.

"I am Nivora, I was gifted with the element of ice." It was quick and to the point as she to bowed her head slightly but not nearly as much or as long as Ash had. Quickly she sat down and went back to looking at her book.

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