Chapter Seven: The Beginning

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Bells rang throughout the entire castle vibrating Kyroth awake as he reached back and pulled out a dagger panting.  Recollection of the last day flooded his mind, as he relaxed slipping the dagger back into its sheathe.  A booming rich voice filled the room as he sat up.  "Awakened, the day has arrived for you to touch the Occulus.  On your door is a number, this will the the order in which you will be tested.  It also happens to be the order in which you arrived to the academy.  Please meet in the front of the main room so you can all be taken to the Occulus.  Please leave everything behind in your rooms including any weapons, just a pair of clothes is all you need.  

The part about no weapons worried Kyroth a bit, he did not know a time when he did not have his daggers with him.  Sighing he unhooked the concealed belt and let them fall onto his backpack.  Splashing some water on his face and checking the mirror to make sure he was presentable he opened to the door to find a number attached to it.  His number was 48, it was written on yellowish colored paper, the ink looked to be moving on its own the, light shifting across the black ink.  Sticking it in his pocket Kyroth made his way to the middle of the large room and fused with the throng of people heading towards the entrance.  

"Okay, can you please line up based on your number please, number one will be right next to me."  A man shouted over and over to make sure that all could be heard.  Kyroth moved to the back of the line, counting out bodies as he went.  It was not surprising that he was at the end, he had just arrived the night before.  People were still shifting and trying to fit into place as he moved farther and farther back making way for them to squeeze in.  

A quick head count from the man in front and he shouted more orders.  "Alright, please follow single file as we move, we do not want any of you to get lost.  If you miss the Occulus today you will have to wait another three months to be tested.  For some of you that could put you close to that one year mark so do not stray!"  He stated simply as he started to walk the entire line slowly following him out the front exits and into the hall.  

The person in front of Kyroth was tall, at least a head taller then him and Kyroth was just shy of six feet tall.  He wore plain clothes, even more so then his own, of a tan color.  The strange part of the trip was that everyone was silent, everyone was nervous and worried about what would happen when they touched the orb.  The hallways for the most part were the same as before, with minimal decorations, that was until they passed through a ornate door golden door.  A large room opened up, they sure were fans of those, and a long bench encased the entire wall on both sides only separated by the door he had just entered and the one on the other side.  

The opposite door was made out of gold with black symbols etched onto it.  Three robed figures stood in front of it waiting.  The robes themselves were plain black with gold rim around the cuffs and bottom, the hoods were pulled up in front of them.  The guide motioned towards the benches,  "So we will take you one at a time, the average time in the Occulus is five minutes.  When one leaves the other side of the Occulus room this door will open and the next will enter.  So we will just keep sliding down the benches as one by one you get tested."  He stated walking out of the room.  

The three robed men turned at once and raised out their hands, each had a orb of varying colors, one was red, one was blue, and the other was brown.  Lifting up their free hand the orbs started glowing, a beam flaring to life from their palms slamming into the door.  Each one traced a specific symbol that glowed brightly.  Finally with a loud hiss the door swung open.  As it did a black pool of energy appeared in the middle of the room, the light being dimmed greatly as it was pulled towards it.  

A man rose out of the darkness, he had gold robes on with similar black symbols stitched throughout it.  A matching hood was pulled up making it near impossible to see his face.  A gold scepter was in hand, a black orb sitting on top of it.  "Welcome awakened, I am Headmaster Raven, here to escort you to the test.  Each one of you will be tested as you touch the orb, and when you appear again you will have a element, it will tell you inside and on the Occulus itself.  Once you do you will become First Shards and begin your magical adventure."  Kyroth noticed near the end that he was the one who had announced for them to gather.  

"Shall we begin!!!"  He yelled in excitement as he walked over to the first man and motioned him up taking him through the doors.  As soon as both of them entered the door swung closed and sealed.  The room was filled with silence as the robed figures took a seat on the other side of the room, there had not been enough of them to warrant using both sides.  

Just as the guide had stated, roughly five minutes later the door swung open.  A single word in from the headmaster rippled through the silence.  "NEXT!"  A small girl got up and headed inside the door closing behind her as well.  This went on, every five minutes occasionally longer and the doors would open and they would all slide down.  Half way through the process the other door opened and a lanky boy was ushered in, he had curly red hair and a scar across his bare chest, a open vest hanging on his shoulders.  In the boys hand he held up a piece of paper that stated 49.  

As he slid down next to Kyroth he smiled, "I just got in, who would have thought I would get to take the test so soon."  He smiled and then his face fell flat as the robed figures and other people glared at him.  "Sorry."  He whispered and sat there patiently like everyone else.  

The silence fell throughout the room again as they continued to file out one at a time when the door reopened for them.  Several hours passed until it was just three of them left.  The nerves had left Kyroth as he sat there, the long wait had numbed him of it.  Being so close to the test did make his stomach flutter a bit more but he had convinced himself that there was nothing to really worry about.  The door opened and the lanky man got up and went in pausing just a moment before entering taking a deep calming breath.  

Kyroth tried to count the seconds but it was hard to judge time in the room.  What he assumed was another five minutes the door opened and he stood up quickly.  Long powerful strides sent him through the door as he heard it slam shut behind him.  He found himself in a dark hallway, light spilled from another room down the hall allowing him to move cautiously towards it.  "Come on, almost done now."  The smooth voice stated from the light.  

With a little less drive he walked down the hall his eyes squinting as the light pierced them.  When they adjusted he found himself standing in a rather small circular room.  In the middle was the orb, the Occulus as they called it.  The orb rotated on its own, not touching the floor at all, just hovering in place.  The stone under it was different, much older then the rest of the room or academy.  

To his right stood the Headmaster with his hood pulled down.  He had platinum hair, that fell to his shoulders.  His eyes were black as night, not a single white in them, they were unnerving to Kyroth as he walked towards the orb, hesitating only because he expected instructions.  

"All you need to do is touch the orb and the test will start.  Do not be afraid."  The headmaster stated with calm caring words.  He waited patiently not wanting to push any of them into touching it until they were ready.  

Walking towards the orb, the pace of its spin started to increase a hum resonating from it.  With each step the speed increased, as well as the symbols on it started to glow various colors.  Each one probably represented each of the elements that could be granted to Kyroth.  Finally he got right next to it and the symbols were now a blur as the Occulus spun with great speed.  

Taking a deep breath Kyroth reached out and touched the metal.  To his surprise it was hot and cold at the same time, the markings on it seemed to be engraved into it visually but it was actually completely smooth.  The mana in his body was yanked and everything around him vanished as he felt his body being teleported like before.  

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