Chapter Two: Preparation

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Fear and excitement swirled through him dulling the pain in his head momentarily as he thought about how long he had wished to get powers and then he grew older and nothing. Each year that it did not happen the more he accepted that it never would. Kyroth had actually given up any hope that he would get them. "When do I leave?" He asked, understanding the sorrow in his parents faces.  "But it does not run in the family!" Kyroth stated his hands starting to shake slightly.  

Some who gained powers and left for the academy never returned either because they died in training or they chose never to return from where they had come from. Kyroth understood that, for he had barely been to the nearest large town more then a few dozen times let alone seen the ocean or left the country island that he was born to. It was a normal thing, only the military or nobles had the money or reason to ever leave the island to visit others. Well the awakened also left but they were much rarer then the other two.

"Yes, it is highly unusual for someone to awaken in a family with no history of it, but it does happen." His mother stated as she got up and sat down next to Kyroth wrapping an arm around his shoulder pulling him into a hug. "You do not need to leave immediately if you do not want to. However we have talked to some with more knowledge of awakening due to living in the city and they told us that the earlier you can get to the academy the faster you can gain control. If you do not there are chances your magic could pulse out hurting those around you." She stated leaning her head on his shoulder.

"So we as well as the village chief have decided that you should leave in the morning to head to the nearest city with a Academy Embassy. Once you get there of course they will take you to the Academy where you will stay until you have been deemed in full control of your powers." Gren stated, he broke into a slight smile as he added a few comforting words at the end. "Hey you get to travel like you always wanted to at least." A small chuckle leaving his chest even if it was halfhearted.

"I guess all those reasons are valid." Kyroth stated nudging his mother off his shoulder as he stood up taking a moment to balance himself, his hand holding onto his head. "Can I get a bit to myself, my head is killing me." With simple nods his parents left the room. As soon as the door closed he opened up a dresser drawer, it was full of canisters that held all kinds of strange plants and pastes. Quickly going through them he found the one he had labeled Salinora and opened it placing two of the leaves into his mouth. Easing back onto the bed he wrapped his arms around his knees bringing them to his chest as he watched out the window his mind drifting.

Leaving had always been a dream of his, something he wanted to do more then anything. Now here it was forced upon him and in a days time he would leave everything he knew behind and head out. Stories and rumors were often told about how dangerous it was to be a Sharder. How many of them died within the first year being there. Kyroth had no idea how true any of these were but it was enough to make him doubt, to fear going to the academy. Not to mention he would be alone, he was already bad at making friends being the outcast of this village already.

Hours later he was woken up by his mother, her face back to normal with no fear, sadness, or anger on it. "You feeling better hun?" She asked feeling his forehead noting that it was not hot or sweaty. "We decided to let you sleep when we came to check on you. None of us have much expertise with magic but the general story is that when one awaken's they drain the entire body of their mana leaving them very weak."

"I do feel better. What time is it?" He asked seeing that the sun was close to vanishing behind the horizon he must have been asleep almost all day.

"Late, but we have food for you. You need to come eat gather up your strength." She whispered as she walked out of the room closing to door behind her.

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