Chapter Sixteen: Syn

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Morning came quickly, Kyroth bathed and got dressed in black pants and shirt with his black jacket on top. For some reason he was feeling the black that morning, today he strapped his sword onto his belt and looked at himself in the mirror. He had not spent much time with the sword since he had gotten it. A quick check to make sure his knives were in place he snatched up his pack and book and left his room.

He was not surprised to find Syn sitting on the couch drinking a hot cup of tea and reading. "You ready?" Kyroth asked, she jumped a little bit almost spilling her tea.

"Kyroth you scared me." Syn squeaked her cheeks bright red again. Kyroth was surprised that they were ever not red with how much she blushed at things. She wore a blue shirt, still a little bit bigger then she needed and grey pants. Her red curly hair bounced as she got up snatching up her satchel bag. "Yep, lets go!"

Tapping his badge to the lift it zoomed down, he was glad to have gotten used to it. The knotted feeling in his gut was something he had dreaded each time he got on it. When the doors opened he almost ran into Charvor. "Move peasants, Gallia only has useless weak idiots after all." Moving to the side the two of them glared as he entered the lift followed by a few of his upper class followers.

"What is his problem?" Syn asked timidly as they took a few turns and found themselves outside. The morning air was warm, a gentle breeze blowing to keep it from becoming hot out. Kyroth had yet to figure out the weather here, I mean he was in a whole different part of the world now.

Shaking his head he patted Syn on the head. "I do not know, I think he is just a spoiled brat used to getting away with that type of attitude. Just ignore him, best you can do with bullies." Kyroth muttered remembering a few times he had ran into bullies growing up. Most of the time they did it just out of boredom, if you did not let it bother you they tended to leave you alone and find another target.

The young girl just nodded, clutching her satchel to her chest as she moved quickly to keep up with Kyroth's normal pace. The black stone of the academy glistened in the morning light as they walked around it heading off the normal path through dew covered grass. The small forested area around the pond blocked the rising sun quite a bit.

"How are you feeling today after all that spell work?" Kyroth asked gently to her, his body was a bit stiff in places but otherwise fine. Feeling internally he could tell that his mana had fully restored during the night. He would need to test that further to see how long it actually took.

Syn stayed silent for a little bit, like she was thinking before she spoke up. "I am a bit sore, just a general ache no actual targeted parts of my body hurt." Syn answered as she hugged the bag closer to her chest unsure if that was a good thing or not.

"Well, that is to be expected Assera stated it took a toll on your body as well." Patting her on the head again they entered the shaded area of the trees getting onto one of the few paths that led to the pond in the center of the forest.

As the two got to the forest he found his usual bench and sat down on it. "So Syn, did you figure out what spell you wanted to try to learn?" A few had caught his eye, tether being one of them. It seemed to be a very useful spell that could help out in the long run. Kyroth however had no idea what Syn would want, to be honest he knew very little about her.

Furiously she flipped through the pages stopping on a page in the arcane section and spun the book for him to see the page. On it was barrier and it listed how to cast it, "So you wan to learn this huh. Does not seem so bad." Kyroth muttered reading it.

To cast barrier one just had to project there mana in the area they wanted to create the barrier and then pull it with their mind until it formed the size they desired. It was basically like making a piece of glass made out of your own mana to protect you.

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