Chapter Seventeen: Firing Range

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Kyroth woke late, staring at his window seeing that it was at least an hour past dawn.  "Ugh, must have over done it last night."  He stated through a yawn as he got up.  Parts of his body were sore, but for the most part he felt fine.  Taking a long bath he finally was ready to head out to the range.  Strapping on his sword and slinging his bow and quiver over his shoulder he headed out.  

Nivora and Syn were both in the common room, Nivora in her usual spot by the window reading.  The woman did not even look up at the sound of the door opening, Syn on the other hand spun around on the couch and smiled.  "Morning Kyroth."  The words got Nivora to glance up only momentarily before going to back to her book.  

"Hey Syn, hope your day goes well.  I am going to head to the firing range."  Patting her on the head as he passed he spun in the lift and waved to her as he tapped his badge to the panel.  Moments later he found himself outside unsure really where to go.  Pulling out his map he asked it to show him the way.  

The map lit the path like usual and he followed it, taking the same path he had learned to take to get to the park.  Cutting through it he came out the other end to see a large rectangular building with little else on it.  It was made out of grey stone instead of the black he was used to.  Glancing at his map it was labeled as the Firing Range.  Slipping the map back into his pocket he jogged the rest of the way to the building.  

Naturally the entrance was not on the side that he approached having to go around a bit.  The doors were ornate made out of large pieces of solid looking wood.  Gripping the door he felt a sensation pass through him as the door clicked opening up.  Stepping in he found that the building itself was open, with it being split down the middle.  

On his left was all kinds of targets in various positions from across the room to up in the air hanging on their own.  Every thirty feet or so a separation was made creating multiple rooms throughout the length of it.  In the nearest one a man was letting spikes made out of rock rip from the ground and sent them into the targets rapidly.  "Amazing."  Kyroth whispered as he walked down the hallway watching the different mages practicing.  

The right was similar but had larger rooms that held more people inside of it.  However instead of targets they had what looked to be ghosts.  Shimmering see through things that carried all kinds of weapons.  Men and women alike were fighting them, sparring, testing their skill with weapons.  To Kyroth's surprise Isen was in one of the rooms sparring with two of the spectral things, his summoned scythe in both hands as he spun around defending one with a sword and shield while the other wielded a great axe.  

The three went at it, both of the spectral creatures were working together but every attempt was being thwarted by the scythe in Isen's hands.  A quick spin and the shield was sent flying through the air causing it to be pushed off balance.  Shortly after the scythe blade cut its head clean off causing the thing to vanish immediately.  Particles of energy floated into Isen vanishing inside of him.  

The axe wielding one stood no chance alone as the blur of the spinning scythe was hard for even Kyroth to follow.  With quick lashes of speed the scythe severed a leg, then an arm.  While the spectral fighter was falling, Isen positioned the blade on the ground so the spectral warrior would land neck first onto it.  With a swift stomp with his foot the ghosts head came off.

"Well Isen, that was impressive."  Kyroth stated standing at the door, a shimmering force field prevented him from entering it.  He figured it was so that one did not risk getting hurt if you wandered in.  "What were those anyways?"  Kyroth asked curious.  

The words startled Isen as he spun the scythe towards Kyroth, mid spin he realized who it was and let the scythe vanish.  Pushing a button on the other side of the door a hiss of air was released and the shimmering field vanished.  "Hey Kyroth, thanks.  They are called bots, and are powered by pure mana.  If you kill one they give you mana letting you keep going."  Leaning on the door frame he looked at Kyroth's bow.  "So you any good with that?"  

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