I've been killed

702 18 10

Just kidding I've been tagged only lololol

Leonardoismine6895 why u do dis

13 facts about me

Fact#1: I have ADHD lolol why am I laughing..........anyways yeah I have ADHD ever since I was just like 11 years old

Fact#2: I have Anger Issues and it bothers me a lot bleeurrggh

Fact#3: If you are an internet friend of mine and you are gonna see me in person......expect me to jump around a lot

Fact#4: I have this habit of sitting in the corner if the situation is getting really uncomfortable

Fact#5: Anything related to Strawberries are my shit

Fact#6: When liking an Anime character, I always have a thing for either the dark haired one......or those with Glasses and a Tsun tsun personality

Fact#7: Drawing is my shit....(I have deviantart feel free to check it out my account is Avilart09)

Fact#8: My hair has this habit to mess up whenever I wake up.....ahem Bed hair

Fact#9: Volleyball jersey is 9 ^^

Fact#10: I have my own quote, It's "When life gets you down.....look up and eat chocolate"

Fact#11: Proud Bisexual lolol

Fact#12: why am i doing this

Fact#13: I am such a trash

Now I tag......


Like seriously if you're reading this right now, It's your turn to do it lolol....but if you already did this then....it's totally fine lolol but still

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