Chapter 33 (The End)

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Carmen walked off of the plane feeling that all eyes on her. Will came from a very small town in Colorado and the nearest airport was minuscule, so her arrival was definitely noted. She had only packed a small carry-on since she didn't expect to stay for more than one night.

Kitty had started texting her six months earlier, telling her that she needed someone to talk to and asking her if she would mind. Carmen was happy to help, hoping that it would lead to news of Will. She had listened to the sweet girl's simple problems without offering any advice and waited, and last week she was rewarded.

Kitty and Will's parents were having an anniversary party, their fortieth, and Kitty was upset because Will had told her he probably wasn't going to make it. She had hoped that he would attend and that he would bring Carmen with him. She went on to say that Will's brothers, Saul and Justin, were giving her a hard time, and that they didn't believe that she was friends with Carmen. Will might have had an affair with the famous Carmen Morales, but there was no way that Kitty was friends with her.

Carmen could hear the unspoken question in the girl's voice and so, like a fool, she had offered to come. It was horribly awkward and completely pointless, but she was a sucker. The fact that she also wanted to see where Will had grown up and meet his family  had played into the decision as well. What was it they said about curiosity and the cat?

The party was that evening and she was on the first flight out the next morning. She had told Kitty that it was the best she could do. Kitty had sounded relieved and excited about her arrival.

As she looked around her for signage that directed her where to go, she realized there was none. There didn't seem to be a need for it since the airport was one giant space with four gates and an escalator in the middle.

She still felt everyone's eyes on her as she headed to the down escalator and caught it with no trouble, despite her four-inch heels. She looked around her at the limited Christmas décor, and at the scene outside the large bank of windows at ground level. She was glad that she had worn her warmest coat.

As the escalator descended she started her search for Kitty but couldn't find her. As she neared the bottom she saw a lone figure leaning against a pillar by the exit, a baseball cap pulled low, and his blue jean legs crossed at the ankle.

Her heart stopped and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She was forced to look away as she stepped off the steps, and when she looked up he was gone. Had she imagined him? Her eyes started scanning the crowd as she searched for him. When she felt a hand cover hers to take her luggage she closed her eyes.

"Thanks, I got it," she said, her voice husky at the feel of his touch.

"You sure?"

She nodded, as she turned to look at him. It had been six months since she had seen him, and it felt like an eternity. They stood in the middle of the airport being pushed this way and that by people that were passing them, neither one of them noticing.

"I was sent to pick you up." Will gave a crooked smile. This moment was so much like their first meeting, it felt as if they were getting a second chance, and she didn't doubt that Will had planned it all.

"I fell right in with your plans, didn't I?" Carmen asked as she adjusted her grip on her suitcase, feeling Will's hand over hers.

"Would you like the begging to start now? I can explain how I planned this moment and how I have already planned our first date-"

"If I decide to go out with you, you mean." She looked at him and her heart contracted. She had done what Laura had suggested, she had let him go and she hoped she never had to do it again, but she had to know he meant it. "No, you can beg later, when we're alone. I plan to make you work for it, but my feet hurt right now."

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