Chapter 26

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Carmen had no idea why she had agreed to accompany Laura to Josh's office, she was regretting the decision as the car pulled up in front of the massive glass and metal building that was a modern marvel. Laura had mentioned that she had agreed to meet her step-sister, Charlie, who happened to also work for Josh's company, and before she knew it she was along for the ride.

Carmen had wanted to meet Josh while she was in town for the Landau photoshoot too thank him for all his help with Xavier anyway. Thanks to him, everything had been handled with minimal trouble to her. He had also been very professional about the entire situation, and he hadn't made her feel ashamed or embarrassed by any of it. But now that she was getting out of the car as she followed behind Laura, she wished she had thought better of it.


Josh looked suspiciously at his wife as she and Kate sat across him, talking. She was up to something, she was chattering inanely which she only did when she was really nervous about something, but Kate seemed relaxed as she listened to Devon drone on about what they had for lunch.

"Why are you here Devon?"

Devon stopped talking and turned to look at him, all innocence. "We had lunch with Charlie today and I thought that I would stop in and say hi to my handsome husband." Her eyes narrowed. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Normally, no, but I know you well, and I don't believe for a minute that that is why the two of you are here." He looked at Kate who blushed like a kid who had just gotten caught with her hand stuck in the cookie jar.

"Well-" but before Kate could get a word out Devon gave her a little kick.

"Kate hasn't seen the office yet and I promised her the tour," Devon insisted.

Josh leaned back in his chair and stared at the women who were looking at each other and not at him. No longer willing to play Devon's games, he could remember when they had gotten her in trouble in the past, he stood and walked towards his office door opening it and walking into the main office area.

No sooner had he cleared the door then he saw the main door to the office lobby open and Laura and Carmen came breezing into the building. Everyone in the office stopped talking and working as they turned to stare at the two amazingly beautiful and famous women. Apart they may not have been recognized but together they definitely were.

Charlie stepped out of her office, as if she had been watching for them, and started to walk towards them. When she reached them, she held out her hand to Carmen before giving her sister a brief hug then motioning towards a suddenly still Josh.

He didn't have to wonder what the women were up to any longer as he turned and walked back into his office. "I've figured you two out," he said softly, watching them both blush this time.

"Good, then don't interfere. We have a plan," Devon hissed as she stood up reaching for her purse.

"I remember your last plan."

"And it worked out just fine in the end."

"Is Charlie in on this too?"

"How else do you think we got her here. Even Laura is in on it, not that she's overly pleased about it."

"And that should tell you all you need to know."

It was too late for Devon to say anything as Charlie escorted Carmen and Laura into his office. Josh had just managed to rein in his temper as he turned towards the women as they entered.

"Josh, you remember my sister, Laura Stevens, and of course you know Carmen Morales."

"Laura." Josh held out his hand. "Carmen." They shook his hand and then he turned to introduce Devon and Kate.

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