Chapter 17

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Carmen and Will were greeted at the door by a pretty blond who escorted them to their table. Carmen could feel people's speculative eyes on her and Will as they crossed the room and approached their table. Maybe it was because she looked as if she had just had the kiss of a lifetime.

Carmen noted that Kelly Harper, a fellow Landau model, was already there with her escort for the evening, a very tall, dark, and much older man that Carmen vaguely recognized but she wasn't sure how. Kelly introduced him as Xavier only, and Carmen gave him a brief nod in greeting, not liking the vibe she was getting from him. Kelly had a real talent for picking questionable men.

Carmen turned her attention to the rest of the table and noted that there were a few other well-known faces among the table reserved for ten. Mason and Cassandra Stevens and Bryce and Grace Stevens were also present. Mason and Bryce were Quinn and Davis's brothers. There were six brothers total and one sister, and they were a very tight family that often attended the same functions.

There were nods all around, Carmen already knew everyone else so she took a minute to introduce the others to Will as he held out her chair for her and waited until she was seated before he took his own. He didn't appear to be impressed or uncomfortable by the famous faces around the table.

"How was your time at the ranch?" Grace asked after they were settled.

"It was a nice break, I appreciate the use of the house." Carmen gave a polite smile.

Bryce's eyes were on her and Will, assessing the situation. "Will, I heard that you were able to help with Willow."

"She's made some progress but there is still some work left to do. There's a sweetness in her, but she just needs to be reminded that it's there." Will smiled charmingly at Bryce.

"That will make Norah very happy," Grace commented. "She was devastated when she realized that Willow wouldn't allow anyone to touch her."

"That's been addressed, but she's still not up to being ridden yet. I hope to return and finish the job soon." Will directed his smile as Grace, and Carmen watched as she smiled and blushed in return.

Carmen was listening, fascinated by the conversation, she knew Will had claimed to work with horses, but by the sound of it he really did help them. She watched Will frown before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After a moment, he looked up at everyone at the table and asked to be excused, and Carmen watched him as he walked away at a brisk pace.

"Where did you pick him up at?" Kelly leaned over and whispered in her ear. Kelly was known to be a little man crazy, she went through them like a box of chocolates, some she savored and others she threw away almost instantly.

"We met at the Stevens' ranch." Carmen avoided eye contact with Kelly's date who was staring at her, and nodded to the waiter who had just delivered to her and Will two glasses of champagne.

"He's yummy, can I have him when you're finished?"

Carmen felt her hand tighten on the stem of her glass as she fought the massive wave of jealously that filled her at the thought of Will with Kelly.

"Hello." Laura's chilly greeting sounded behind them and it thankfully distracted Carmen from Kelly's comments.

"Laura," Carmen greeted just as frostily. "Davis." She nodded to the two of them, but Davis wasn't having it as he leaned in and gave first Kelly and then her a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's your new boy toy?" he teased softly before he helped a very regal looking Laura into her seat.

"He's around here somewhere," Carmen said, taking a sip of her champagne. Kelly, Laura, and Carmen had a volatile working relationship. In the world of modeling one had to watch their own back, and even though her and Laura's greeting had been frosty they had developed a decent respect for each other. Their two days at the ranch had consisted of them sitting in the same room doing their own thing, it was only when Davis had joined them that they had been friendly with each other. Carmen had a hard time letting people in and so did Laura, and it suited them both fine.

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