Chapter 13

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Carmen heard the knock on her door and frowned. She was currently on the phone with Adrianna and wasn't expecting anyone. The doorman should have called her to let her know that someone had arrived to see her.

"I know Adrianna, it's nothing really, but I had to come back because of work." She looked through the peephole in the door and bit back a muffled curse. How had Will gotten past the doorman? She was going to have to have a serious talk with the owners of the building.

She opened the door and shot him her best 'go away, you're not wanted' look but he only grinned and leaned against the doorjamb as casual and handsome as he pleased

"I really think that you should call and setup a meeting with the man I told you about. This man that you're using now obviously hasn't been doing you much good." Carmen felt her stomach clench at her mother's words, she had never mentioned anything about what had happened in Texas to her mother, there was no way she could know Carmen was having doubts about Josh unless she knew what had happened. 

"If your stalker was able to track you down and leave you flowers in Texas. I think you need to try someone else." Her mother knew more than she should. Feeling sick, she turned away from Will and missed his frown of concern. It allowed him to enter her apartment, and he did so closing the door behind him.

Carmen wasn't stupid, she had been played by her mother more than once in her lifetime, and she hated to think it, but she was always trying to find her mother's motivation for doing anything that resembled thoughtfulness because she rarely did anything unless she profited from it in some way.

"I'll think about it Adrianna, I have to go now, I have a visitor."


Carmen held the phone away from her taking in a deep breath so that her next words would come out even. She had heard the note of panic in her mother's voice. It reminded her too much of the past. Adrianna was definitely up to something.

"Just a friend, I'll talk to you later," she said, hanging up as quickly as she could and just before Will's strong arms wrapped around her from behind. When she wiggled to be free, his arms became steel bands and she held still, sensing something was wrong.

He rested her chin on her shoulder and put his lips right up to her ear. "The cameras are back. Close your eyes don't look." He knew that her eyes had immediately darted to the left then right.

Carmen allowed herself to lean into him. Keeping her eyes closed as she took another shaky breath, but she wasn't sure if it was because of her fear or because Will's arms were holding her so tightly.

"It didn't take you long to get here." They had taken different taxis at the airport and Carmen thought that he would be finished with her once they had arrived.

"I don't even know why you tried to escape me." He pushed her hair off of one of her shoulders and placed a kiss on it. This time she knew exactly why she shivered. "I've made us dinner, why don't you pack a bag and stay with me tonight."

When his arms tightened around her waist she got that it wasn't a choice, that it was what she needed to do to stay safe. "Alright, give me a minute and let me change."

"No, I like this dress." His voice was sexy and low and the meaning behind his words left little to the imagination. But Carmen was smart enough to understand that he didn't want her to change in her apartment. Part of her wished his words had meant something different though.

"Can I at least pack a bag?"

"Sure, as long as it doesn't take long."

Carmen nodded as she headed down the hallway to her bedroom while Will followed her. When they entered the room; Will threw himself down on the bed watching her every move as she threw a bag together.

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