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Kitty: Okay. So... let's see here. *reading a paper with the truths and dares* Dare: Alphys has to do a duet with Undyne. Truth: Sans are you not telling us the truth? And if so Why??? Dare: Sans sing the song judgement by tryhardninja (at leats i think that's him) Truth and dare: kitty who is your crush and you have to tell him Dare: Toriel can you bake the biggest butterscotch pie ever

I LOVE Judgement. It's one of my favorite songs to sing, and you are correct. Alright. I'm picking the song they do a duet with, and... I won't do the picture talking this time. :p

Undyne: *sees song I picked* SERIOUSLY?! Ngahhhh! Why'd you pick THIS song?

Alphys: Fade Away by Mandopony? Uh... o-okay!

Kitty: I picked it, because it's for my UT Senpai, and... I need to cry, and this is the song to make me cry... I know it's not for either of you, but... please... do this for me.

Undyne: Okay, punk!

Duet of Undyne and Alphys: If I let

You go

Would you still

Be a part of me?

Is this real?

Will I go on?

Or is this all just

Just a fantasy

It's been so long

Since I saw your face

I forgot who I was

And I lost my grace

Now I just want to

Stay here

I don't want to forget

Please don't let me disappear...

Who we wanna be,

And who we become

Are as different as night and day

I tried to destroy you

But I can't ignore you any more

I don't want to go back

No, I don't want to fade away

The way is open

But I will not cross

I will never be whole again

After so much loss

With my last breath, I will

Set them free

To live the life that was

Never meant for me

My time is coming soon

So leave me be

If only I could turn the page

And relive those memories

Now I'm forced

To say goodbye, my only friend

A thousand years too soon

I never wanted to see it end...

But, who we wanna be,

And who we become

Are as different as night and day

I tried to destroy you

But I can't ignore you any more

I don't want to go back

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