Attack Training

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Kitty: *reading* I dare Human!Flowey to try and train Robones and Mystery to use attacks. *stops reading*

Human!Flowey: Okay... Robones, Mystery... summon a bone attack.

Mystery: How do we do that?

Human!Flowey: Just... close your eyes and concentrate on what you want to appear. Over time, as you get better, you won't have to close your eyes, but for now... you will.

Robones: *closes eyes* *summons a bone attack* *opens eyes* *stares at the row of bones in front of him.* Wow! I did it!

Mystery: *sighs* *summons a bone attack* Heh.

Robones: Aww. Why can she do it without closing her eyes?

Human!Flowey: I don't know. Looks like Mystery has a good talent of magic.

Mystery: *grins*

Human!Flowey: Mystery... imagine fire in your hand.

Mystery: *summons fire in her hand* Woah. How am I doing this? *stares at the ball of fire*

Human!Flowey: Asriel.

Asriel: What?

Human!Flowey: Show Mystery a basic attack.

Asriel: *summons fire in his hand*

Mystery: Woah! How is it not burning your fur?

Asriel: Its magic. It won't hurt you physically.

Mystery: ... What about Gaster Blasters?

Asriel: That... you have to ask Sans about, not me. I don't have that.

Mystery: Why do I have fire magic anyway?

Human!Flowey: All the Dreemurrs have fire magic, and both of the skeleton brothers have bone magic. Since you're a hybrid of a Dreemurr and a skeleton, you have both types of magic.

Mystery: Cool.

Human!Flowey: Of course... you also have a special attack, since you're half skeleton.

Mystery: That's so cool!

Asriel: You have to make your special attack on your own.

Mystery: *grins* I have an idea for my special attack.

Asriel: Okay... so... attack me with your special attack.

Mystery: *summons a Flare Gaster Blaster* 

Asriel: A Gaster Blaster? Seriously?

Mystery: *charges the Flare Gaster Blaster*

Asriel: Oh.

Mystery: *shoots the Flare Gaster Blaster*

Asriel: *hits him and takes out a lot of his health.* That's a pretty strong special attack, you got there Sis.

Mystery: Thank you. Your turn.

Asriel: *grins* Lets see what good your magic is against THIS! *Transforms into God of Absolute Hyperdeath (first form)*

Mystery: *suprised* Woah.

Asriel: *charges Star Blazing*

Mystery: ...

Asriel: Try to dodge THIS! *shoots Star Blazing*

Mystery: *dodges and ends up with 2/20 hp*

Asriel: *spares Mystery*

Mystery: *spares Asriel*

Robones: That... was cool.

Asriel: *transforms back into a child* Uh... anyway...


Asriel: ... only I can.

Mystery: AWWWW! WHY?!

Asriel: I'm not telling you.

Mystery: WHY NOT?!

Asriel: You don't need to know.

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