Chapter two

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I walked into the house after my morning run. Today it was rather good and I took it upon myself to go an extra two miles, I guess it's because I was in a rather good mood. My night with my husband was extremely amazing.

I walked into the kitchen and made my way to the fridge for a bottle of water before going up to get ready for work." Morning Angel," said Jason. I turned to face him and surprisingly he was right behind me," you're looking hot and sweaty baby," he said then gave me a peck." So you off to work Jason?"

" No, I took the day off, I need to be early for Leonardo."

" Okay, but please don't forget to fetch Nina, I can't because I've got to go to work."

" Okay, I'll pick her up. What's cooking at work today?"

" I'm just meeting a new client, her husband got murdered, a rather gruesome murder."

" I guess, I'll say good luck."

" Thanks, baby," I said then gave him a quick kiss before going up to go shower.


I walked into my office and found the case file waiting on the desk. I dropped my coat on my couch and went to my desk to start going through the file. This was my first murder case involving a husband getting killed. I worked a lot with the DA, putting serial killers away and working a lot with government offenses, but now it was a rather personal case and I was kind of excited.

I sat on the chair and began looking through the case file, looking at the notes my attorney came up with. It seems as if the husband was murdered during a home invasion. The husband tried getting rid of the 2 men, but it didn't work because they ended up shooting him in the leg then stabbing him about 10 times.

The men didn't even end up taking anything, they just left after the murder and luckily they weren't smart because they left their fingerprints all over the place. This case was definitely going to be a definite win, the wife was going to get her justice. My office door opened and my attorney walked in," morning Samsara."

" Morning Mike. This case is definitely going to be a win, we have the killers and we have their prints, we just need the weapons and we're done."

" Actually Samsara it's not going to be that easy, we just got word from the cops, they just told us that the two men who committed the murder stated they didn't work alone and that they were following orders. This didn't happen to be a robbery gone wrong, this whole thing was planned," he said and I swear my heart stopped for a second.

The thought of having to tell the wife that someone had planned to kill her husband, he was meant to die that day, that thought actually devastated me." I'm guessing the wife doesn't know anything about this new information, right Mike?"

" Yes, we will be telling her today."

" I feel so sorry for the poor woman, Mrs. Washington."

" Same and we'll make sure that she gets her justice." He said and I just found myself going deep into my thoughts about this whole situation.


Mrs. Washington was a middle-aged woman, extremely beautiful and very sophisticated looking. She was clearly mourning her loss, you could evidently see that she was in so much pain and it hurt me to have to tell her the new news." Mrs. Washington, you're husband's murder wasn't a robbery gone wrong, his murder was planned."

" What!" She screamed out and I could see tears running down her face," someone wanted my husband dead, some evil bastard spent his days planning my husband's death. Who would do such a thing?"

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