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Taehyung's POV.

I think I like him. And that's really disgusting. Guys don't kiss. Simply no. And I'll be damned if I become one of those little pussies that circulate with lip gloss on the streets.

I'll be damned.

It's just that he's a really nice guy and I spend a lot of time with him and well, that's normal. I guess. Well, whatever. It'll pass. It's just a stupid phase and I'll get over it soon. I just have to get a whore. And that would be pretty easy if it didn't make me vomit just thinking about it. Those money suckers. That's what every person with a cunt is, so I'll get rid of cunt until one of them can prove me wrong and let's just say I won't wait.

"Hey, Taehyung!" Jin's voice came smiling at me, and I waved back. I shouldn't have stayed up so late drinking those six bottles of beer alone. That's the bad thing about being anti-mortician, I get lonely.

Jungkook smiled at me and nodded, getting up from the leather couch to greet me. "Dude, you won't believe what they have for us today." His muffled tone almost made me sweat. "I'm Batman and you're going to be Robin!" well fuck!

"What?!" My stomach dropped instantly and seriously, I know that fags like glued pants and everything, but you have to be kidding me. "Are you kidding?"

My cry was so loud that It brought Jin and Jhope's attention to me. My eyes are wide and my mouth is half open, but I can still see Jungkook's mouth open a smile.

"You're an idiot." He told me.

"Fuck off," I replied.

"But that was so easy." He laughed back, eyes totally closed with laughter.

I sighed, throwing my backpack on the couch. "But besides, there's no way for me to be the prodigy boy. It's written on my ass."

"Oh, I'm offended." Jungkook frowned and laughed. "And I'll remember that during the session."

I sighed and started unbuttoning my shirt. "So many threats." I teased him back, and he gave me one last smile before heading to the other room, where Jin puts on our make-up.

"So good." I asked Jhope. "What shall we be today?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" He asked, trying to hide his laughter. "Aren't you going to be disappointed when you find out it's not something with tight pants?"

"Shut up." I called and then I noticed the white apron falling down. I looked more closely and there was a stethoscope hanging too. "So ... that means ..."

"Call to doctor uh ... Whatever your last name." Jungkook shouted and my eyebrows went up. Hmm. This is going to be cool. "You better do it right!" He went on. "I'm really sick! My, uh ... Balls , hurt!" I could hear him and Jin burst out laughing and rolled his eyes.

Things looked so different since the last session. I got so stupid after I realized my stupid feelings were growing. I am not gay. Simply not. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But seeing Jungkook do these things is brining back to life things i thought were dead.

I guess that's kind of good in a really weird way but it scares me because I haven't felt it for a while and not to mention that this stupid twinge is for a guy. All of this is kind of screwing me up and even though I am being a complete idiot, he's still cool with me. Usually I'm the cool guy, and usually I'm the one who gives the last word. But it's damn nice that there's someone taking care of me this time. Even if it's not so. Have I commented on those confused thoughts as part of what I'm feeling?

Suddenly, there was a huge brush in the middle of my face and I had to turn around before I hit Jin's face. "Ew." He wrinkled his nose and pinched me. "You're cute, but I think you broke my face."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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