Oops: Prumano smut

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This is for @vietnam-chan on here. I hope it's what you wanted.

Romano sighed as he was helping the drunken albino get from the Italian's car to the Prussian's apartment. The problem was that said Prussian lived on the second floor, leaving the main problem to get the stumbling man upstairs. Gilbert had an arm around Romano's shoulders with Romano's arm around Gilbert's waist to keep the Prussian from falling. After many attempts, they finally made it to Gilbert's floor. "Unh, fucking finally." The shorter male huffed as he led Gilbert down the hallway to his apartment before the Prussian started to go in the other direction.

The Italian's eyes widened as Gilbert started to fall backwards, laughing as Romano just barely caught him from falling on his ass. "Damn it Bastard. You're heavy." He eased the albino onto the ground before he took Gilbert's hands to help him onto his feet. "It's my muscles from working out," Gilbert laughed with a wink. The albino grinned as he held onto Romano's hands, liking the contact between them. The Prussian gave Romano a smirk as he leaned closer to him, "Roma~ why are you so cute?~" he asked smoothly, at least to him it was but in actuality it came out slurred with his lopsided grin.

Romano rolled his eyes as he held onto Gilbert's left hand to lead him to his apartment, Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows with a pout as he watched Romano look unphased by his flirting. "Give me your keys," Romano demanded as his hazel eyes looked up into Gilbert's red ones. Gilbert frowned in confusion at not knowing the specific location of his keys before he patted himself down. He then began fumbling with his keys in his front pocket then handed them over to Romano to get them into his apartment.

Gilbert's drunken mind rationed that they were going to get it on, making him smirk again as he let go of Romano's hand to wrap his arms around the Italian's waist as soon as the door opened. "You don't have to be embarrassed for wanting me too~" he chuckled as he placed a kiss to Romano's neck, making Romano tense up with a blush before he squirmed to push Gilbert's head away with his hands, "Eh?! Get off of me Jerk!"

Gilbert was confused. Didn't Romano say he would take him home? He frowned as he let go of Romano who was wiping his hand over his neck to get the germs off. "What?! No I-" the Italian felt flustered. "I never said that I wanted you." Gilbert frowned as he stepped closer to hug Romano around his waist, nuzzling into his neck as he whined as tears pricked at his eyesz

Romano couldn't handle others crying. It really broke him wether he wanted to admit it or not. He closed his eyes to stop himself from yelling out in irritation as he hugged him back, rubbing Gilbert's back gently to try to calm down the emotional Prussian. "I like you Gil. Okay? Come on. Let's go to your room." He reasoned as he pulled away to look at Gilbert, wiping away a stray tear that flowed down his pale cheek. Gilbert instantly perked up, smiling idiotically as Romano said he liked him. He nodded as he took Romano's hand to lead him to his bedroom.

Romano was surprised at the switch in personality, but he was glad to see that smile on Gilbert's face as it suited him better than a frown, let alone crying. "Danke Roma for taking me home~" he leaned against the doorway as he looked into Romano's eyes, still holding his hand. The Prussian could look on forever if he could, and would have if Romano didn't start pulling his hand back, but Gilbert still held on, not wanting to let go yet.

The reason that Romano was pulling away as he felt embarrassed about how intently Gilbert was looking at him, making him blush as he was held in place by the others strength. His cheeks darkened as he felt a hand on his left cheek. Before he could even question it, his lips were locked by the drunken albino.

Romano's eyes widened as he looked at Gilbert who was kissing him passionately, only snapping out of the initial shock once Gilbert began to lick over his lips to ask for entrance. Romano shook his head slightly as he pushed back with his free hand against Gilbert's chest, breaking the kiss. "What the Hell was that for?" He asked as he observed Gilbert's face with his flushed cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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