Latenight Confessions: Canada x Romano

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Romano hadn't expected to form a friendship with the brother of the often times annoying, self-proclaimed 'Hero' of the Allies, but then again he hadn't expected to be spending the night at his house either. At least he wouldn't have until he was forced to pay attention to him when he almost ran into the shy nation one day after a world meeting. The Canadian had almost cried with joy that Romano not only saw him, but knew who he was although could have done without being called a Bastard for spilling the Italian's coffee, but if Romano hadn't spilled his coffee, then Canada wouldn't have offered to buy him another to make up for it, and they wouldn't have gotten to this point of their friendship.

~Romano's POV~
I knocked on the mahogany door with a huff as I rubbed my arms repeatedly, trying to keep warm as I hated how damn cold it was out here in Mattie's place. Yes Mattie. It would feel like I was disrespecting him if I called him Canada, although I make sure to do so at meetings, so those bastards would remember he's there. Ugh I could go on about how irritated I get when they forget that he's there except for France, which is shocking that he was the only one to remember him, and even more so that I admit that, even to myself is shocking enough. I don't really know why I didn't just storm away before when he made me spill my coffee, but it probably had something to do with those eyes of his. Damn he could be infuriating the effect they had on me, and by now I was sure that Canada knew it to his own benefit more than once. But right now my ass was freezing, and so help me, he better hurry up before I really freeze up.

~Canada's POV~
I was really eager for Roma to come over. God it was so great to have a friend that didn't forget that I was me, and not my brother. I also was surprised that he also enjoyed my company too, since I worried that my people skills have been lacking from not talking as much, but it seemed that he wasn't bothered by how I was. I worried about asking him to come over to hang out a few days before we all would go to Alfred's for the meeting and then share a flight together, but I felt relief when he agreed. I had just finished setting up the guest room when I heard the door knock from downstairs although I wasn't so sure it was real the first time. I smiled as I rushed down, sliding down the rail to then open the door to see a shivering Italian on my porch. "Oh Roma come in." I helped him inside and took his bags, "Sorry did I keep you waiting?" I asked shyly with a hand rubbing the back of my neck in nervousness. "I'm sorry. I was getting things ready for your stay, and I thought it was a trick of my mind when you knocked, but if it makes it up to you, I can make you some hot chocolate?" I tried, still feeling guilty, but just glad that he was here.

~Romano's POV~
'That's it! I'm going to kill him,' I argued in my head as I was starting to feel my fingers grow cold even in my gloves until the door opened. 'Fucking Finally!' I screamed in my head as I saw Canada spewing apologies as he brought me inside. "What do you t-think?" I shivered from the cold, causing my teeth to clatter I was spoke, but was just glad to feel the warmth from the house once the door closed behind me.  At the offer of hot chocolate, I was eager to have some, but I couldn't just let him think it was okay for making me stay out in the cold, even if it was an accident. "I'll forgive you, only if you give me marshmallows." I said with a slight pout as I let Mattie take off my thermal jacket.

~Canada's POV~
I was sincere in apologizing to Romano as I really didn't mean to keep him waiting, but I'm glad that he forgave me, even though the Italian was proud about it, but I knew what to expect from him by now. I really liked and respected that he wasn't afraid to tell others when he was upset with something, it made me want to be like that too, although having Romano around, usually he would do it for me. I loved h-that! I loved THAT, he did that for me. I could feel my cheeks brighten slightly as I walked on ahead to the kitchen to grab us both a cup, making sure to add extra marshmallows for him, luckily in the time it took for my blush to clear up. "One hot chocolate with extra marshmallows," I beamed as I handed it to him to then take a sip, smiling at the warmth it gave me. "So how about a movie? I'll make us popcorn, and you can pick the movie?" I suggested as I thought it could be fun to just chill. I already was heading over to the cabinet to reach out for the popcorn bag to microwave in.

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