Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures: PruCan

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Gilbert had just moved into a new apartment a few months ago, and on the trips outside that he would make to his mailbox, he would frequently pass by one of his neighbors who slowly caught his attention, just because he would look at the ground if they made eye contact or give him shy smiles. He really wasn't sure what it was, but after a few more times of noticing the blond, he had wanted to get to know him because he seemed sweet by first glances and was so shy, but he didn't know where to start for a conversation. Hey I'm forming a crush on you more and more as we get our mail. Yeah, no.

Why was he so nervous? Usually he wouldn't be so nervous, but he was and he couldn't think of a good start, until he got an idea from his friend, Francis, who suggested that he go collect the mail before Matthew did, and do the old 'Our Mail Switched' thing. He planned it out, knowing that the mail usually came out around ten, and Matthew would get the mail at 11 or later, so it would be perfect.

The next day, Matthew stepped out of his house, going out for his morning jog, trying to motivate himself that this wasn't really stealing as he would return it. Maybe they could find something to talk about and become friends that way. The thought sounded nice, and he hoped that something like that could happen between them.

Gilbert rounded the street corner, perfectly lining up his path to his house to where he would have to pass the Canadian's home. The Prussian's nerves were starting to build, but he pushed himself to go through with it. He stopped in front of the mailbox, letting out a breath as he debated on if this was right. He noticed that the mailbox was partially opened, and it wouldn't take much to completely do so. He bit his lip as he reached in to grab the mail inside after opening it the rest of the way, feeling proud that he did it, but not for long. Suddenly a loud bark was heard from across the yard, getting louder as a ball of white was running closer to Gilbert's feet. It was Matthew's Samoyed, a big, fluffy white dog.

Gilbert's eyes widened and he let out a shocked shout as he dropped the mail, "Oh no. Oh no. Hey boy. Look I'm not stealing. Really I-" he held out his hands to try to make the dog stop barking, feeling red-faced and nervous as the dog seemed territorial, hoping that the dog wouldn't bite.

Matthew was inside the house, having just cooked some pancakes for breakfast when he heard his dog, Kuma, barking outside. Usually he would have ignored his dog's barking as the canine would bark at anything that would pass by the house: squirrel, biker, cat, didn't matter. Yet it was different as he heard a shout back, catching Matthew's attention. He begrudgingly left his fresh plate of pancakes to go investigate, putting on a pair of slippers and stepping outside on his patio to look over the yard.

It wasn't that long after that he could see Kuma barking warningly at a platinum haired male, remembering his face to know that he was the new neighbor that moved in a few months ago. "Kuma!" He whistled as he ventured closer, "Cone here." He beckoned, making Kuma look over at Matthew before turning his focus back on Gilbert warningly before huffing as he walked over to Matthew's side for a bit before something caught his attention, producing another round of barking as he chased after it.

Matthew shook his head at his dog's behavior before he felt uncomfortable as he didn't really know the other person. "Uh, sorry about him. He just gets territorial sometimes. Hope he didn't scare you." He chuckled softly as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. Gilbert blushed as the whole dog making him get caught thing happened but also because now he was actually having a conversation with Matthew. He didn't want to seem any creepier than he already might appear to the Canadian, so he let out a laugh, "Ha. Who me? No. Scared is a strong word. I'd say more like surprised." He chuckled slightly as he then brought his attention to the mail in his hands.

"Um, here. I saw that your mail slot wasn't closed all the way, and your mail fell out, so I picked it up. I was going to bring it to you, but Killer there stopped me." Matthew took the mail into his hand as he smiled gratefully, "Oh. Thank you. That usually doesn't happen, but at least you saved these from flying away."

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