Teddy Bear: RusAme

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Dark themes will be ahead concerning: abuse and violence

Ivan hadn't the best childhood when it came to his parental figures. His mother past away giving birth to his youngest sister, Natalia, adding to further distaste for her as they got older as well as no memories of his mother given how young he was at her passing. As for Ivan's father, he was a drunk and when angered, could be abusive to them. Luckily his older sister, Katyusha, was of age after a few years and through a custody battle was able to legally adopt Ivan but also his sister, and in celebration, they left to a new state to get a new change of pace as their father stayed behind in jail for the assault charges that were finally brought to light.

Soon Ivan met Alfred in his Chemistry class, and if luck would have it, the test tubes weren't the only thing causing such heated reactions amongst each other. Ivan had been someone you'd think to be mean or rude given first impressions, but he was nice to a point of shyness almost like a little kid in a man's body.

They did everything together, and for the first time, Ivan felt like he could honestly say that he was happy without needing to force himself to say it to make his sister happy. The voices had been hushed in his head, and he didn't even think he needed his medicine anymore to keep them at bay as Alfred was everything he needed to be happy.

Alfred had been cuddling with the teddy bear that Ivan had won him at the fair a month ago, and it was still his favorite gift he had. Whenever he missed the gentle giant of the Russian, he would hold it as it still had his scent from the last time he was at his house. Ivan was his first love, and he felt like it was the real deal. No matter what they bickered over, they came out strong in the end as they both knew that their arguments were just harmless teasings, just like their friendship started. He smiled as he heard the doorbell ring, and rushed downstairs to open the door for none other than the Russian himself. Ivan had said he was going somewhere for winter break, but had finally returned much to the American's delight.

Yet as Ivan stood there on the porch, he seemed different. He smiled, but it didn't meet his eyes and his stance seemed more stiff like he was tense. But Alfred didn't care. He was just ecstatic to see that Ivan had returned. "Hey Babe! I'm glad that you're back." He said smiling as he hugged Ivan around his waist with his head laying on his chest while looking up at him, "When did you get back? I missed you." He said with a pout.

Ivan had gone back to his hometown as his older sister thought that would be good for them since they all had lingering feelings of homesickness. It started out fun and enjoyable, catching up with old friends and the changes to the town until word came around. Ivan's father had broken out of jail, making Katyusha nervous that he would find them before they returned and Ivan just felt nothing as shock took over.

He hoped that their return home would be quick as he felt nervous and just needed to see Alfred as he was the first good thing to happen in his messed up life, but of course that wasn't the case. On the last night before they left, his father had found out where they were staying, and broke in, finding his way to Ivan. Fortunately he was a light sleeper due to how his childhood was, and instantly woke up when he felt someone's presence looming over him. Short story was that Ivan had forced his father onto the ground, waking up his sisters who then called the cops. Ivan's father had bolted, of attempted to, pulling out a gun to try to scare the cops away, but it only led to his death by gunshots after being repeatedly told to stop and throw the gun down yet resisted. Ivan had seen this all go down, leading him to this broken state that led to such a drastic change from the usual personality he had.

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