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Atticus's POV

"So how are things between the two of you" I asked Mateo and Troy, as we sat in the semi full diner. "I'm trying to convince Troy that we should move in with me" Mateo said taking a sip of his coffee.

"In I'm telling him that I haft to be able to walk properly in the morning when I haft to be beta" that made me laugh, Troy and him were like some really horny puppies. I looked out the window in I felt my heart drop.

"Donnivon" I said standing up. Both Troy and Mateo stared at me confused. But I could see him, standing across the street near the woods. I left out the restaurant, Troy called after me but I had to see him. Even if just for a second.

When I got outside he was gone, in a blink of an eye. Why... how, he was... I could've sworn. "Hey, don't scare us like that" Troy said walking me back inside, I turned but he still wasn't there.

"I'm sorry I thought-"

"You thought you saw Donnivon" I nodded feeling embarrassed. I sat back down in just ate silently, I had peed for like the sixth hundred time since we came to the resturaunt.

"You guys all ready to go" asked Mateo, both me and Troy said yes. Mateo paid for breakfast even though I insisted that I did. We had left, but not to my house, but the pack house instead. When we got there I stayed in the car.

"No matter what you say I'm not getting out of this car" I told the both of them stubbornly. Than I seen him, Donnivon looking as sexy as ever. Just like the first time in a pair of joggers with no shirt. When he saw me he got up going inside the house.

"See what I mean, there's no point of me being here" I told them sadly. Troy sighed, going inside after a few minutes he came outside holding Donnivon by his ear.

"Talk to him" he said throwing him into the car beside me, than shutting the door. "I could feel the heat, the spark, and all the desire that came with it. He looked at me and I looked at him but no words were spoken.

Finally he broke the silence.



"How are you" he asked awkwardly. I placed my hand on my stomach. He watched fascinated by the little gesture.

"Actually I'm really good, I've been getting checked up on. Troy, Erick, Angie and Jax take turns babysitting me. It's sometimes annoying, but I'm good" I was lieing through my teeth, and he had to know that I was.

"Oh... how is it-um being pregnant" he asked. I smiled a little. "Its not all good or all bad, but I'm enjoying it. Although full moons are very dangerous for us, and morning sickness is disgusting. Overall though, the last two months have been pretty good. What about you?"

"Great, I've been having a lot of free time, and stuff so yeah... I've been getting loads of work done for the pack etcetera" he was lieing to I could feel it, not only that but I could smell the scotch on his breath.

"Well um, I think I should let you guys get going, so you can get back home" I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, it was nice talking to you" I said already missing him as he got out the car. I miss him so dam much.

Donnivon's POV

Dam I miss him so much. I just want him...

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