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Jace Dylanoff

It had been a couple days since Jace had been living here, and I never got a chance to introduce myself. So I took it upon myself to now. When I went to his room Jace was sitting silently, just thinking to himself, he wasn't really sure about anything. He knew that Donnivon hated him with a passion, all because his little brother was Jace's mate but that couldn't be helped.

Jace was anxious to see him after all this time. Erick was the best thing that Jace could ever have happen to him. Erick loved Jace, in he had never known that type of feeling before.

"Hey Jace" he looked over and saw me wearing a small smile. Jace just stared at me, I felt like I was intruding. "Um, hi Luna" he said nervously.

"Call me Atticus, it's not official yet so you don't need to call me Luna" I told him. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "Why does he hate me" Jace said his voice cracking. "He doesn't he's had bad, really bad experiences with rogues" I said trying to soothe him.

"Okay, so because I'm a rogue he's gonna have a bad experience with me, he doesn't even know me" tears were in his eyes, he looked so broken. I couldn't help but hug him. "I-I love his brother. In I-I'll be good to him" he cried. Right than I saw Donnivon walking pass, he looked right at us and kept going.

I got up following behind him. "I thought you said you were going to treat him nicer" I questioned. Donnivon didnt say anything. I didn't even realize we were in front of everyone including both his and my parents.

"What the hell are you talking about" he said. "Jace, is upstairs crying because of you. In you said, you'll treat him better" I was angry, no pissed he was just a kid.

"I'm not going to do this with you" Donnivon said nonchalantly. "Do what, make a simple change to your attitude towards a 15 year old. Is that all that hard" I could feel his anger rising but I didnt care.

"I'm the alpha I don't haft to change my dam attitude if I don't want to" he said firmly. My hand whipped across his face, gasps were heard around the room. "Just because you had some bad things happen to you because of a rogue, doesnt mean that you haft to treat a 15 year old boy like he's the scum of the earth." I practically yelled, I stormed away from a seething Donnivon. I knew he was pissed I could hear his thoughts to prove it.

But so was I. How am I going to be able to tell him about his mother and my parents? How am I going to be able to look him in the eyes? My mind was swirling with thoughts. That I hadn't even noticed that Troy had followed me.

"Hey" he said, I gave him a small wave. "He's sorry. In he didn't mean it, you know he's a full fledged idiot" that made me smile. "I just, I don't know how I'm going to tell him-"

"Tell him what" Troy questioned, I took a deep breath before I let the words out. "I'm adopted, my parents were originally rogues, not only that but they were the ones who slaughtered dozens of pack members to prove their loyalty. In Donnivon's real mom was one of the ones they killed" I confessed shame and guilt, consuming me immediately.

Troy shook his head, he placed his hand on mine. Than I heard it, growling, low deadly, growling. Troy must have heard it to, because he turned around the same time as me. Donnivon stood there seething, his eyes were glowing red. His fangs were bared and his claws growed.

"Get away from him" he said venom laced in his voice.

"He's MINE!" Donnivon roared.

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