Kidnapping And Two Steps Back

Start from the beginning

As the two wizards fought they stopped when the boat man spoke up.

"Hey where did your buddy get a necklace like that?"

Natsu was confused till the man pointed at Gray. He silently growled at the man pointing at Gray. But Lucy and the man ignored it as Lucy spoke.

"His mother gave it to him it's very precious to him. The only material thing he has left of her."

"My that's sad. But if I'm not mistaken those are dragon scales. I'm I right?"

"Yep. I have one to and a set of earrings. But I don't ever plan on selling these."

"Oh I don't want them I'm just wondering how his mother was able to get so many. Dragons haven't been around for many many years."

"Well his mother was a dragon and those are her old scales."

The man's eyes widened. And he gave a soft grunt.

"His mother was a dragon? Do any of you practice magic by chance?"

Happy popped up from behind Natsu holding a knocked out Eclipse and happily answered the question.

"Aye. We all practice magic. We're from Fairy Tail."

"So you came to lift the curse on Galuna Island? If you have get in."

Lucy smiled and got in Natsu reluctantly got in. The rocking motion made him drop Gray into the boat as Natsu took to his knees and started using his breakfast for chum.

The boat man set off and just made the motion that much worse. Once out to sea and far from the dock Gray woke up. But upon his waking he took the same position as Natsu. But it was his dinner made chum instead.

Gray was angry. And he reverted to dragon to explain even if they didn't understand. He only paused every now and then to dry heave do to the motion.

"Hi idiot . . . daar los bo wah bo . . . bite mu ko fin ass . . . later! Hi dreh mindok daar vahzah!? Ahrk . . . why drey hi . . . take zu'u voth hi?! Mey voth nid . . . nuz yol fah aan brain![You idiot . . . this is going to come . . . bite us in the ass . . . later! You do know . . . that right!? And . . . why did you . . . take me with you?! . . . Fool with nothing . . . but fire for a brain!]"

The boat man turned seeing the two boys heaving as the sun set. Then moon rose and a light shone in the distance. It was Galuna. The boat man Bobo he informed them the curse of the island.

Feeling horrible for the residents of the island the five fairies wanted to help but as they weren't looking Bobo disappeared. Once he was gone a huge wave washed their boat away.

The sun had risen and Lucy woke to the sound of the waves hitting the beach. Slowly sitting up she thanked the gods she was alive. Getting to her feet she was Natsu and Gray laying face down in the sand. Happy had his head stuck in it and Eclipse was hanging from a tree.

Natsu jumped up and wanted to explore but quickly shut up when a spike of ice embedded itself in his calf. When he turned around he was a soaking wet Gray with the coldest glare.

Even Erza glare had nothing on it. A dark aura waved around him like steam. And only one eye was visible. The pupil was slit and a freezing cobblestone color.

Gray got up keeping his glare on Natsu till he turned to reach for Eclipse and gentle pull her from the tree. Looking her over for any damage. She only had bumps and bruises but was fine non the less.

Gray sighed in relief at her not being hurt to bad. But when he looked at Natsu again an ice tail formed and shot another spike at his leg. Gray was not happy.

"We could have been killed! All of us! But since we're here let's help these people."

With Gray's finally words at the moment he walked off into the forest. Natsu's mood dropped drastically. He'd screwed up. He had to try and make it up to Gray. But how?

They all walked the forest till the moon rose again. They approached the only village on the island. During the walk Lucy explain that this was the only village and the chief put in for the request.

Eclipse also woke up during the walk. The moonlight did wonders for her and helped her heal her injuries. They approached a large wall made form wood and a gate made from logs.


Lucy called out to the occupants of the village and they answered back.

"What do you want!?"

"We're wizards from Fairy Tail coming to answer your request!"

"How come we weren't informed?!"

"Uhh . . . mix up in the paper work?"

When she answered their question it came out as a question of her own but then they requested to see their emblems. They all showed them and were let in.

Once in the chief explained about the curse that has happened to him and his people. The fairies were moved and accepted to find a way to fix it. They were given lodging to rest for the night.

Lucy was given her own little hut with the exceeds and Natsu and Gray shared. Gray stayed as far away from Natsu as he could and fell asleep. Natsu was regretting what he had done. And how stupid he was his dragon was even berating him for his actions.

'You put our intended into unneeded danger! What were you thinking!?'

He responded out loud to his dragon.

"I don't know I just . . . I want to prove that I'm strong for him."

The dragon huffed but settled. The dragon couldn't blame him. He saw the dragon in Gray and could help but want to do the same thing for her. Go to extreme lengths to show how strong he was.

They both just didn't know how to go about it.

(A/N : Hey I just wanted to say that I don't have a beta-reader and if anyone wants to be my beta-reader that'd be great. And just so you all know I don't really know how it works so please tell me. And yes Gray's inner dragon is in fact female.)

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