Chapter 12, Revelation: two children

Start from the beginning

I smirked a little, “So you got the real thing.” I said, taking in the secret base. The queen turned to tilt her head, “The whole under a mountain base.” Two islands felt insignificant to this giant valley of mountains. The islands were so exposed, vulnerable. But this… you could’ve never seen.

“It was from the human war a while ago, and I just,” She waved her hands, trying so hard not to be proud, “Re-decorated.”

A few hundred wolves emerged from the mountains, howling and running from top to bottom. Snow came thundering after them as they came. I watched in awe as the wolves paddled around in the snow like it the sea. Slowly but surely, they all lined up horizontal to the doors and bowed their heads. The queen subtly nodded and walked on.

She led me to the glass doors that were hidden from above, and they opened automatically. I didn’t question it, but it seemed a little too confident for the queen. Say, if I had managed to find out the location of her base then I could’ve walked right in.

But I didn’t doubt that she had cameras all over the place.

The she suddenly stopped, and I only just missed walking into the back of her. Her dress had snow soaking the hem but she didn’t seem to care.

“I should show you around.” She stated, and then walked on. “Boys, prepare her room and we shall meet for a meeting after dinner.”

I was going to ask when dinner was, but I assumed it was whenever the queen said so.  We walked for a while down this single corridor and I was starting to wonder if the whole base was going to be as ordered and boring as this, when we got to the end of the hallway.

And there it was, the explosion of riches and planning and violence. It was a big room, big enough for four average houses to be plotted on. And in it there were soldiers milling about coming from hallway to hallway. I looked around and there seemed to be a hallway coming from every available wall space possible.

The queen stepped sideways and pulled me with her.

As the soldiers from the plane milled from behind us I took in the whole scene. Everyone was looking at me, and I could see on their faces they suspected me. The probability was that the queen told everyone about her plan. Get Cathy.

And here I was, shuffling uncomfortably on my feet.

The room was so damn big. In the middle there was a single table where a few girls sat, talking to soldiers over the desk. For a moment I worried about where Phoenix was going to sleep, would they notice a new comer? Then I realised The queen’s soldiers were still on Necker Island so there would be empty beds for him, Lupa and the rest.

I wondered where they were going to put Lucas.

Then as if the soldiers heard my thoughts, they dragged him out of the hallway. He looked shocked and wasn’t really struggling, until he saw me.

“Come on Cathy!” He shouted, frantically clawing to get to me.

I wanted so badly to just go to him and comfort him and take him to wherever he was going, but I stood still, frozen with panic that the queen would realise I wasn’t with her.

“While we’re here, would you mind telling me where my son is?” The queen stepped towards me, more interested in whatever I was going to say than ever.

“Which one?” I said too quickly, not even thinking about my bitter comment. My eyes widened as soon as I said it and I looked to the queen to see if she was going to slit my throat right then and there.

But, weirdly, she laughed. “Ronan,” She replied too calmly.

“Oh, he left three years ago.” I told her the truth, because it wasn’t like I had anything to hide with him. She raised her slick eyebrows once again. “To travel the world with his mate and the other one,” I couldn’t be bothered to remember her name. The queen nodded, seeing my interest in the conversation had faded.

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