I have to go alone.

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Dear Mike
  Just let me do this I can't depend on you and the guys to keep keeping me safe I'm putting you guys in danger because of me I'm going to the cliff by myself whether you like it or not you just need to stay here in case she comes back or something I don't need you to go I have to go alone. I can't keep putting you guys down with all this craziness I can't put you guys in danger knowing whether you guys get hurt cause of me I can't keep asking you guys for this much I can't... right now I'm on my way to the cliff and I'm already going to be gone by the time you guys get there I'll be walking home or I'll be in the upside down with 11 trying to figure this out I promise I'll be back soon I said I wasn't going to leave you guys and I'm keeping that promise I'm going to come back and I'ma have her with me I'm sorry but this is goodbye for now
Love Yanessa

I left a letter on the table downstairs in the basement right now I'm on my way up to the cliff hopefully I don't run into any trouble I know I shouldn't have gone alone but I couldn't bring them if they got hurt or even a scratch I would still feel bad I have hot tears rolling down my face just thinking about if I leave to the upside down what's going to happen how am I going to find a way out. Eleven still hasn't found a way out but I know if me and her use our powers together most likely we will find a way I just hope that she's safe and hiding.  right now I'm on the edge of the cliff and I see her next to me and I told her "We should use our powers at the same time to create a portal or something to get you out of there we have to try please" she just nodded we tried at the same time we did it to a wall near the edge of the cliff me and her both created a small portal was open for a limited amount of time El get out she tried but if we both weren't using it at the same time one of us had to drain the other and I didn't care I needed to get her out and I needed to find answers "Hurry eleven get out of there"... We did it she got out now to just find a place for her to stay we can't just show up at Mike's being like hey look I left so I could go find her. I walked to castle byers i told her we would stay her until we both felt better i snuck off to find Will luckily he was home alone "Who's there" i heard him say when i opened the back door "Will it's me yane- he cut me off "Yanessa i was so worried about you are you ok where did you go" "Will slow down and just follow me" we walked out to castle byers "Ok will listen to me dont freak and dont tell the boys" he nodded "Ok Eleven come on out" she seemed a bit scared but she came out "Hi will" "OH MY GOD SHE'S THE ONE WHO SAVED ME FROM THE UPSIDE DOWN!!!" he basically yelled in my ear "Will calm down and yes your right she did save you". While me and will were arguing about whether to tell the guys or to keep it from them i heard her say something "Can i go see mike?" Me and will's faces dropped a little "I don't know about that eleven. But i promise we will go see him soon" she nodded and sat down i told them to stay there while i got back to the house to get her some clothes i got some overalls with a black shirt and black socks and black converse she changed inside of the castle. She came out but her faced was still a bit dirty so i asked will what time everyone was going back home he said not until 3 thankfully for us it was only 1. As we walked home i heard something behind us like footsteps "What is it yanessa...you ok" i nodded and kept walking behind just in case. I heard a bush shift "Who's out there...will take el inside the house" "But yanessa" "Go Now!" i saw this tall man walk near me i put me hands out to the side ready to protect will and el. "Who are you...what do you want!!" i yelled out for an answer "Yanessa its me Dustin..." i dropped my hands and ran over to him and gave him a tight hug"Dustin i missed you so much" "Where did you go Mike's been so scared" i let go of the hug and looked down "I went looking for answers" "What do you mean looking for answers" "I mean i brought eleven back..." as i said that Will  and Eleven came out side she walked up to dustin "Hi dustin" was all she said.

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now