The truth

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After the vision I saw I jumped out but still had the walkie talkie in my hand for some reason I knew exactly what to do with it I started to mess with the knobs and suddenly I heard this voice it was the girl...the girl who lived here the girl who loved Mike the girl who saved me. No one really knew I had this tattoo thing on my arm it was 010 and I don't really remember what it was for me and my mom didn't know she said I've had it since I was 2 then disappeared for 4 years then one day I show up back home with two men saying if we tell anyone about what happen they would find us and kill us that's what she told me. I felt everyone's eyes on me it seemed like everyone but me and will knew what was going on I walked over to the table and set the walkie down and said "Who was she.. How did you find her." Mike Dustin and Lucas gave each other a look and Dustin said "Well when will went missing we Found this girl" " She had these powers and helped us" then I turned to Mike he hadn't said anything I kneel down and said "Mike where is she" he seemed sad.

*Mikes p.o.v*
I didn't know yanessa knew or would find out about eleven. None of us for that matter knew she found out she kneeled down to me and said "Mike where is she" I teared up and said "We lost her in the upside down" she looked at me and said "You didn't lose her she's right there in the fort" we all look to Yanessa and then looked at the fort I made for el I didn't see her. I pulled yanessa aside and whispered to her "Can you tell me where she is and how can you see her" she pulled my outside but told the boys to stay right there. "Mike I'm about to show you something no one has ever seen before so please don't say anything" I nodded and she lifted her sleeve showing a 010 tattoo on her arm just like El did. I asked her what's her power she said she doesn't know she has never really tried to use it.  Will walked out and said "What's going on" he looked at her arm and tried to touch it she kinda pulled away but the let him look at it the rest of the guys can outside and looked at her arm and Dustin said "Cool do you have powers to" "I'm not sure what my so called powers are I don't know how to activate them " We all have her a look and I told her if I could show her something. I took her to El's tent and she started to cry "Yanessa what's wrong are you ok" she turned at and then she said something that made me cry all of us well except Will cause he wasn't close to El she said "Mike, Lucas, Dustin she says shes gonna  come find us" How is she gonna find us if we don't even know where she is.

*Yanessa's P.O.V*
I need to find out how to use my powers and fast maybe it will help me find her. I did what I thought was important to the guys. I grabbed the walkie talkie and mess with it but this time it's not working I'm getting visions again then Mike said if I could repeat what I'm seeing I nodded. "What's friend" for some reason that started to stick with me "Mike she loved you,She gave her life for you but you didn't want her to. I can feel the pain she went through, I feel as if it was me there" everyone gave me a look maybe that's my power "Hold on I'll be right back" Dustin said as he ran up stairs he came back down with a Star Wars Lego ship he told me concentrate I did and I made it float. "Woah..Shes just like her." Lucas said "But she seems to have visions as well as mind powers" Dustin said maybe he's right maybe i do have more than just visions, maybe I have both. Me and Dustin were trying to figure out what else I could do until we heard Mike say "If she's just like El... Doesn't that mean she's gonna leave us to.. Just like El did" I got up and said "No Mike I'm not gonna leave I promise" I looked around the room and gave them a reassuring smile. I know what she did, she did it to protect them to save Will but it's not over but the boys are worried enough cause of me. Maybe once the guys fall asleep I'm gonna try and figure out what else I can do. It's 2am right now and so far all I know is that I have telekinesis and I have visions but it's weird I'm also starting to like see in the past but I mean that comes with the telekinesis so there really isn't no surprise I just hope eleven is okay and hopefully Mike Dustin Lucas and Will is okay with this as well. But what if eleven comes back and Mike chooses her over me I don't know maybe I am over exaggerating you know what forget that my top priority right now is finding eleven and making sure she comes back here safe because it's weird I had this vision and it showed him me and her in the same room she told me that she's going to help me with controlling my powers.

*Mikes P.O.V*
I overheard Yanessa say that she's going to try and find eleven safe and sound but I'm worried what if Yanessa gets hurt in the process of trying to find El. Forget that maybe I should push away those thoughts it's 2 a.m. and she's probably tired "Hey yanessa I think you should get some rest" "How can I rest knowing she's lost in the upside down" she started to cry "Hey don't worry she's tough she can take care of her self until we find her" she looked at me with her dark brown eyes and said " I need you to take me to the cliff where Will's body was found you need to take me there so I can have more visions" I told her to rest and we would all go in the morning.

*Dustin's P.O.V*
I was woken up to two voices I turned a little bit and saw it was Mike and yanessa I'm really worried me and her still need to figure out what else she can do and if she has more Powers than she was supposed to is that why she came back home early who knows all I know is in the morning me and her have a lot of work to do.

Time skip cause I'm lazy
It's morning now and me and yanessa are downstairs cuz she said she wanted the three to go upstairs Mike was going to talk to his mom about going on adventure. Will and Lucas wanted to eat so me and her are downstairs still trying to figure out what else she can do she told me that last night she figured out all she can do was Telekinesis and visions well at least we know something maybe today we can go to the cliff and maybe she'll figure out something new till then I'm hungry and I'm going to tell her we should go upstairs. "Hey yanessa let's go eat something before we leave" she nodded and headed up stairs. "Good morning kids I made waffles beacon and eggs help your self to whatever" Mikes mom seemed to be in a hurry. I was lost in thought until I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see it was Yanessa. "Hey let's go to the cliff before the rest of the guys do" why does she want to get there before the guys maybe she wants a head start or something "OK let's go get my bag" "I already have it come on let's go though the basement door" why doesn't isn't she getting Will to go with her. Does she think she's weird cause her powers. Maybe shes thinks he-"Hey Dustin let's go" she seems so serious today "OK I'm coming..but shouldn't we wait for the guys so they don't get worried" she froze and then looked down "Yeah your right let's go back inside"

*Will's P.O.V*
How come all the times me and her were together she never told me what happen to her was she scared I wouldn't think of her the same. I went down to the basement and I didn't see Dustin or Yanessa where did they go. As soon as i was about to go tell Mike and Lucas that they were gone Yanessa and Dustin walked through the door she seemed sad I ran up to her and hugged her "Oh sorry I never told you about any of this I was...scared you would think differently of me" she cried a little and I just held her and then I heard Mike and Lucas's voice yell saying "She almost left us" "Come on Mike she's right here" No Lucas she almost left when she promised she wouldn't" then I said "Mike seriously calm down your scaring her" she was shaking in my arms her eyes shut close I whispered in her ear saying that everything is ok. After a few minutes she got up and walked towards the door and she very silently "Come on let's go..this time I won't leave."

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now