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*Continuing from chapter 1*

I saw this girl outside just standing there looking at me i freaked out and screamed "What's wrong...Yanessa talk to us" Dustin said i was still scared why..why was she looking at me. I felt myself just freeze up and started breathing heavily then reality kicked in "Did you see that...t-t-that girl by the door who is she" i said still wide eyed "There's no one there Yanessa"Mike said but there was someone there she's still there why can't they see her "You must be imagining things...maybe we should go to sleep now" Will said a bit concerned ok maybe he's right maybe i was imagining things cause im tried or something. I saw this dark cold place  then i heard someone say 'Keep him safe' 'Keep him safe' 'Keep him safe' it just repeated over and over again until i saw the same girl from the door i walk up to her. Who are you was all i said 'Im eleven and i need to keep him safe'  'Keep who safe, who do i have to keep safe please tell me' 'I'll tell you another time but you need to run' 'Wha- i was intuurepted by a roar i turn back and this monster or animal thing i took step back it made a sound like if i was walking on water. That thing turned back stood up and i started to run like she told me to then i ran as fast as i could but i heard it getting closer and closer then i saw the girl she stood in front of me and the monster threw it's self or something i saw this white light. -End of dream- I woke up to Will by my side "Hey your up are you ok?" he said "Yeah i'm fine i had the weirdest dream i was in this dark place and this monster or animal was there and ther- hey are you ok will" he looked a bit scared when i said all that "Umm yeah im fine lets go up stairs and eat breakfast" we both walked up stairs to see the sleepy boys eating Eggo's  and bacon "Hey guys... i think you guys are sleeping in your food hahaha"  "Oh um h-hey yanessa how did you sleep" mike said i sighed "Um fine weird dream though" "What was it about" said a curious dustin "Umm it was about like i was in this dark place it was cold but the cold was probably from the a/c anyways i saw this girl all she kept saying was keep him safe over and over again but after that she said i needed to run so i did and there was a monster when i started running it sounded like water and it grabbed me but that's when i woke up from the dream". They all just stared at me after what i said "Wow that's pretty weird" lucas said  "Yeah but anyways what's the plan for today guys i wanna explore the woods what do you guys think" "Yeah sure i'm gonna let me mom know that we are just gonna ride around on our bikes ok Yanessa?" "Yeah that's fine come one the rest of us can get ready" we all went down stairs and when i was about to go into the restroom to change "Hey yanessa can we tell you something really quick?" "Yeah sure what's up" "Your total obliviousness is blowing my mind right now" Dustin said what does he mean my total obliviousness "What do u mean my total obliviousness dustin" Lucas decided to speak up "Mike likes you it so obvious" they all started laughing "Well if you guys are done harassing me I'ma go change hahaha". After i came back out all the boys were down here waiting on me "So are we ready or what" i yelled "Lets go" we all said we started to walk out the door when i saw her the girl from my dream i told will he said that i must be imagining things again so i left it at that and we continued to walk to the forest when all of a sudden "Hey frog face,toothless,midnight,Ghost boy and freak number 2" "Just leave us alone troy" Mike said "Why she still needs to pay fro what she called me" i rolled my eyes and said "Your not gonna doing anything" "Yanessa don't just leave it lets go" "No will i won't leave it this isn't fair that they pick on you guys" "Aww freak number 2 is trying to make us leave ok but really im gonna make you pay" then he pulls out this pocket knife i wasn't too scared unlike the guys "Put your little toy away troy it doesn't scare me" "Oh really now" He tried cutting me with it by swinging it back and fourth i tried to back away as much as i could until i heard something "Stay safe don't harm yourself" was all i heard when i tried finding out where that voice came from troy cut my hip a little "Ow" then i throw a punch and got him in the mouth same for his friend "Go away" was what i told him. i fell to ground it started hurting alot more lucas brought a bandanna and i asked him fro it he gave it to me and i tied to to my hip it was really big the bandanna not the cut. 

*Mike's P.O.V*

Wow she's more fantastic then i thought but she should really calm down shes gonna get hurt again. i stayed behind with her "Hey Mike can I ask u something..." "Yeah what's up" she seemed to hesitant "Umm... How's school like what fun stuff do you guys do." why is she so cute uggghhh "Umm well we have this new thing that helps us talk to people over seas. It's pretty cool" "Nice maybe I can come after school or something to see it" "Yeah that would be amazing" she giggled "Oh wheeler your so adorable" Did she just call me adorable hakfbdbfn. I wish I could tell her how much I like her.

*Yanessa's P.O.V*

He was so cute wait am I starting to like him. "Guys hurry this way look!!" Dustin said i tried To run but my side started to hurt when I looked at the ground water drops started to rise up off the ground and made its way to my side. "Yanessa hurry come here are you o- what's happened to you. You look as if you've seen a ghost." Will said but I kept looking at my side cause all of a sudden it stopped hurting and the water drops just stayed at my side until I was where the guys are at. Mike looked at me and said "Hey are you OK does it still hurt" "Yeah a little but I'll be fine" Dustin pulled me to the side "So what happened back there with the water" WHAT HE SAW THAT TO THAT MEANS IM NOT CRAZY.  "You saw it to" "Yeah what happened. How did you do that." I told him that I just looked at the ground when it was hurting.

*Dustin's P. O. V*

"So what happened back there with the water" She told me so just looked at the ground and all of a sudden water was at her side. This is so weird I wonder what's up should I tell the other guys probably no right? I dont know what to do. "Hey guys is everything OK " Lucas said "Yeah everything's fine guys Dustin was just telling me something" she smiled and said that we should go back. I don't know maybe we we're both imaging.

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now