Welcome to Hawkins Middle

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Couple weeks after that happened my mom put me in school with Will I had some classes with Will and some with dustin and Lucas I only had science with Mike. Well time to got to class but before I reached the door knob for my class I felt a hand placed on my shoulder "Hey how's your first day going" I turned to see Will "It's going well but when's lunch haha" We both laughed "It's soon when I saw you going to your science class I was like why not ask her how everything is going". Me and Will started walking to 5th when I heard "Look it's ghost boy and his loser cousin" great I thought today was gonna be a good day until troy came "What do you want troy" I said "Shut up freak 2" I was about to say something when Dustin came over before me and troy did something we would both regret "Come on guys let's go" but I stood my ground then I felt arms around my waist pulling me away "Don't let him get to you Yanessa he's just a stupid mouth breather" I turned to see who said that and who was holding me and it was none other than Mike "I know it's just... Why do you guys let him push you around don't you just want to punch him or something" it was silent for a moment good going yanessa you said something wrong they must think your just like him a bully "Of course we want to its just that we don't want to get beat up if we do" "But dustin...guys I can't just watch him talk or do stuff like that to you guys. Your like family to me and i protect my family." they all smiled and I got up and gave them a group hug.

*Mike's P.O.V*
When we did a group hug her face was right next to mine I felt my face heat up she look over at me and whispered "Why so red wheeler" she giggled I can't wait to have class with her next. The bell rang "Mike wanna walk to class together" she said "Y-y-yeah lets go" I said she gabbed my shoulders and shook me side to side cause it's fun she said we both laughed a little and walked into class. "Welcome class today we have a new student here." Mr.Clarke pointed at yanessa she stood up "Hi I'm Yanessa" she said blushing like how I was.  "Well welcome to Hawkins Middle Yanessa hope you have fun here." she nodded and we kept going on with class the I remembered today we have a A.V club meeting after school. Then my good mood was ruined when we heard troy in the back of the class "Aww look at that frog face has a crush on freak number two" yanessa clinched her fist and said "Shut up already troy. Dont you ever just SHUT UP YOUR SO ANNOYING." "Yanessa come on leave it lets just finish our notes" I told her in a calm voice. She sat down and finished the notes thank god this is our last class then she held my hand and said "I'll be right back OK?" I nodded and she walked up to Mr.Clarke and then she left the class room. Then I saw her outside the window and she was talking to Will I wonder what's going on. After that the teacher showed us a movie about how the human body works she came in running. She came back and sat down and asked what was it we were watching "It's about how the human body works" I said then she landed her head down on my arm on the table. Why is she so damn cute that's it I have to tell her "Hey yanessa I have something to tell you" I whispered "Yeah Mike what's up" "Well I-i-i... I was wondering if your stay after school with will for the A.V club." Maybe I'll tell her tomorrow "Yeah I'm staying after then I heard we are going to your house right?" "Yeah we do our homework at my house then probably watch TV or something" she looked at me with her sparkling brown eyes and said "Ok Mikey can't wait" "Hey what are you guys whispering about" we both turned and saw Lucas he started to wiggle his eyebrows "Be quiet Sinclair we weren't flirting he was just asking me a question" I felt my face heat up and we heard the bell ring for us to go to lunch. "Hey Mikey wait up...i wanted to say Umm... I really enjoy hanging out with you and the guys. " She said in kinda a whisper tone her face turned pinkish.

*Yanessa's P.O.V*
I think I'm starting to really like hanging out with the boys especially Mike. "Come on Yanessa...We have to meet the guys." I started to kinda speed walk and I didn't see troy when he push me and Mike when we had our food trays me and Mike need up covered in sloppy Joe so I did what first popped into my head I grabbed some and rubbed it on Troy's face "What's going on here" we all turned to face Mr.Klarke said and took all of us out side of the cafeteria "So what happened back there" I turned to Mike and said "Well sir troy thought it would be a good idea to trip me and Mike and so I grabbed some of the food off my shirt and put it on his face" troy glared over at me and Mike saw and put a hand on my shoulder. The teacher said troy has to clean the cafeteria since he started it and I was kinda surprised that me and Mike didn't get in trouble but oh well. Today is Friday and I'm so excited because every Friday we would all go Mike's house. But since it was almost wills birthday we are going home after D&D. I walked to the bathroom as Mike did the same once I walked into the girls room some girl came out and said "Are you dating Mike wheeler" and boom my heart started racing and my face heated up and my limbs became numb "No why" "Oh it's because I always see you with him and his friends" "Oh...no we aren't dating we are just good friends" as we spoke I cleaned my self and luckily i had a extra shirt it was all black hopefully I don't get dirty again. Then I waved to the girl goodbye to not be rude then as I turned I was face to face with Mike. "Oh you scared me Mike...leys go get our bikes and look for the guys" he nodded and when we walked out we saw them the boys I walked up to Will because I needed to know something "Will so girl asked me if I was dating Mike does it look like we are??" he looked at me and then he fell to the floor laughing his head off Dustin walked up to us and asked what was so funny I told him nothing and we were kinda far from the other two and will said very loudly might I add "YANESSA LIKES MIKE..AND. WANTS TO DATE.. HIM.AHAHA" I gave Will a look and he got up off the ground Dustin looked at me and told me if I liked Mike so much why not ask him out who cares what people say. He was right I should just ask him not big deal right I tapped Mike on the shoulder "Hey Mike I have something to tell you" he turned around really fast like he was angry "WHY DONT YOU TALK TO LUCAS HE'S YOUR CRUSH ANYWAYS...RIGHT" I looked at Lucas he gave me an evil little smirk he told him I like him UGHH why would he do that "No Mike I don't like Lucas like that I like you like that" his anger seem to flush away "Really you like me" he blushed this boy is very bipolar Hahaha I practically yelled this part "YES I LIKE YOU.. Will you go out with me Mike wheeler" his face lit up he gave me a big hug and said yes I was so happy.

*Time skip sorry I'm lazy"
We were all at Mikes house now and I watch them play so many times already that I know how to play but I was still curious about that blanket fort I walk towards it and got on my hands and knees  to see the in side of it. I saw a wig and a box of empty Eggo's then a walkie talkie for some reason why. I picked it up all these visions  came to me I saw the same girl she lived here in the basement she loved Mike I was seeing everything thing through her eyes I guess.

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora