The Cliff

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*Yanessa's P.O.V*
"Come on guys let's go.. This time I won't leave." I wasn't feeling my best at the moment I sat on my bike waiting for the guys to come out until I felt something pinch me in the arm I looked over to see Eleven hanging onto me "Eleven what's wrong" she just hanged onto me for some reason when the guys came out they still couldn't see her. "Hey Yanessa you feeling ok...maybe we should just go another time" I felt weak but I nodded no. We can't do this another time there isn't time "Yanessa listen to them you need your rest before you can go" I turned to see eleven she was the one who said that. Before I could say anything I heard a scream an at that moment it was like I felt one-hundred times better. I ran and I saw where the scream came from its from a girl being chased by troy of course it had to be troy "Leave her alone troy" I yelled out as he turned my way I singled the girl to leave she did "Or what your gonna punch me" I was about to when Mike call lit for me "Yanessa where are you" I waved my hands in the air as I did so troy tried to punch me but I used my powers and picked him up and tossed him to a little pond near us and I ran into mikes arms "Mike where's Will Lucas and Dustin did they go home" "No they are right behind me don't worry" "Mike I don't feel well" as soon as i said that the guys came running up to us. I heard Will say "I love her she's my best friend I can't let her put her self in danger" "I'm ok Will I just need to rest that's all I promise I won't hurt my self or any of you guys" we all walked back to Mikes house but I noticed that I left a flower path in the ground I yelled out for Dustin "Dustin come look at this" he gasped and smiled "This is amazing" but after he said that things went black.

*Dustin's P. O. V*
When I was looking at the flower path she left she fell I ran and held her "Yanessa are you ok answer me...YANESSA PLEASE..WILL.MIKE.LUCAS HURRY COME HERE." I had hot tears Down my face. I was scared I picked her up and carried her to the basement luckily for us no one was home. Once I put her down Will spoke up and said "What happen to her" "She probably tried her self out by using her powers. She's not use to using them." Mike and Lucas went up stairs to get something to eat. Will fell asleep next to her on the couch. "So now what... We just wait for her to wake up?"I turned to see Mike "That's all we can do" every time she tossed and turned I felt this chill go down my spine as if someone was there watching over her as well not just me. Maybe I'm just imagining but maybe she's right maybe 11 is here maybe she can only see her and we can't this is all too much but as long as she's safe and doesn't try and use over her powers she'll be okay. "Dustin I think you should get some sleep I'll watch over her don't worry" I turned to see Will "Are you sure" and with that he nodded yes so I went over to my sleeping bag kind of near Mike and lucas. Soon enough I ended up falling asleep.

*Will's P.O.V*
I wonder after all this time did she just think she was born with it was she too afraid to tell me after what she heard happened to me after what she heard about everybody. Maybe she's just trying to protect me and I love her for that but she could have hurt herself today really bad if she went to the cliff I'm not sure if I want to let her go tomorrow either but I know she's doing this for us to help us find our friend that help find me and I still need to thank her for saving me. Maybe in the morning I can ask her about all this about seeing all this maybe it's like my flashbacks  I wonder if that's kind of what she sees.

*Time skip cause I'm lazy lol*
*Yanessa's P.O.V*
I heard voices as my eyes started to flutter finally it's morning I wonder what happened yesterday all I remember seeing the flower path with Dustin and here I am waking up back in the basement weird. "Shhh you'll wake her" that voice it kind of sounded like will why was he near me is he not mad at me anymore maybe he wasn't in mad at me at all maybe I was just scared that he thought I was weird. "But I'm already awake" as I said that I was embraced into a huge group hug by the boys did I miss something did I disappear I don't know but I'm glad everybody's safe and sound and today I'm going to the cliff to finally find out the truth I need to know what happened to her everything that happened I just need to know where exactly to go when I get to the cliff she hasn't told me that yet. "Did I miss something" "No it's okay we are just happy to see you" Will said "Where's Mike" "He went up stairs" "Lucas are you ok you sound sick" as I got up to go talk to Lucas asking him if he was sick or not I knew what I had to do but later because right now I have a friend who needs my help. "Lucas your burning up hold on I'll be right back" I walked into the bathroom and saw a little cloth I went it was some cold water rinse it out to where I was at least a little damp and came back and put it on his forehead "Thank you Yanessa" "No problem Lucas" once I walked upstairs I didn't see Mike but I did see his big sister Nancy me and her haven't really said anything to each other yet we're not really on speaking terms at the moment because I'm still kind of new here and well she's a teenager living in a house and I'll just one girl at a four boys here at the house. "Hey Nancy have u seen Mike" "No I thought he was with you guys and your Yanessa right Wills cousin I haven't really met you yet hi and are you enjoying Hawkins so far" "Yeah I love coming back here it's just like I remember except a little stranger" "Yeah I know what you mean it did get a little weird here did will tell you what happened to him" I nodded just as I was about to say something Mike comes down from his room upstairs "Hey Mike" I said

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz