Chapter 12

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Shoutout to itz_emmaeeee12

Kayleigh's POV:

Finally the boys are ready and we're at the studio the interview will be filmed in. Clo and I walk in first, the boys lagging behind and messing about.

"Jack! Leave Brooklyn alone!" I snap, whispering/shouting as I see Jack put Brooklyn in a headlock.

"Sorry!" Jack replies.

"Boys please behave yourselves and try to be as professional as possible. This is a big deal! Also, have fun with it." Blair says, gathering the boys around him.

"Hi, you must be Blair. I'm Jen, I'll be interviewing the boys today." A woman with long, blonde wavy hair and blue eyes says as she approaches Blair and shakes his hand.

"Hi Jen, I'm the boys' manager and this is Andy, Rye, Brooklyn, Mikey and Jack." Blair replies, pointing to each boy.

"Hello boys, might I say you're all looking lovely." Jen says, looking at the boys with a smile.

"You can thank those two over there." Rye says, pointing at Clo and I who are standing at a distance not wanting to get in the way.

Jen approaches us, she's stunning the typical interviewer type. "And who are these two lovely ladies?" She asks, shaking our hands.

"I'm Clo, I deal with the boys' wardrobe." Clo replies.

"Nice to meet you Clo, and you?" She says, turning to me.

"I'm Kayleigh, I do make up." I say with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Now come on boys lets get this show on the road." Jen says, walking off and the boys following.

Jack's POV:

I've never actually had a proper interview before, I'm quite nervous. What if I say the wrong thing? Or can't think of anything to say at all! I'm hoping the boys will help me through this.

We're lead into this stylish glass lounge, all four walls are literally glass. Talk about no privacy, I like it though, I'm not complaining. We all take a seat on the sofa and Jen sits on the end, beside me. We can see Kayleigh, Clo and Blair patiently waiting in the foyer.

"This is sick!" Says Rye, looking around.

"Nobody break anything." Andy jokes and Jen looks confused.

"We're a very accident prone band." Mikey explains and she laughs.

Blair's POV:

Kayleigh, Clo and I are waiting for the boys in the foyer. I've never been so nervous in all my life.

"I'm actually well nervous you know." I laugh as I sit back and look at the girls.

"I don't blame you, I would be to." Clo sarcastically replies, looking up from her phone. Kayleigh is still glued to hers.

"She's always glued to that thing!" I say, looking at Kayleigh.

"Love Island is very tense at the minute, so I'm told. She's forever reading spoilers. It's like her actual life." Clo explains with a laugh.

"A lot of people are talking about it actually. I watch it now and then. She can't be that obsessed can she?" I question.

"Blair, if we're out we have to be home for 9pm so she can watch it!" She replies, stressed.

"Wow! That is actually really bad!" I laugh.

"Tell me about it!" She laughs.

The boys finally finish and come herding out of the room like elephants, you can't take these boys anywhere. They're always causing ruckus. Kayleigh still hasn't looked up from her phone. It's like she's completely zoned out or something. She's a rare one.

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