Chapter 3

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Shoutout to chloexox14 again! You're smashing it!

Kayleigh's POV:

About two weeks have passed in my new job of being a make up artist for practically the biggest producer in the country. I have to say I am enjoying it because I have finally reached my lifelong dream.

I rush in the front door, yet again to start another hectic day and quickly begin to set up my equipment.

"Late again Kayleigh?" Brad says while passing, not looking up from his phone.

"I know, I'm sorry Brad. I won't let it happen again." I reply, my heart pounding. He scares the life out of me.

"I hope your performance this week will be better than last week." He continues.

What does he mean by that? Am I really not doing well enough? My stomach is turning, I feel sick. Don't let him get inside your head Kayleigh, you have proved that you are good enough to be here.

Demi Lovato is in today. You show big shot Brad that you do deserve to be here. Demi arrives and she firstly goes to Clo for wardrobe and after about an hour, comes to me for make up.

"Hi, I'm Kayleigh." I smile nervously.

"I'm Demi, nice to meet you." She replies, shaking my hand.

"Take a seat. Do you have a specific look in mind that you want me to do or anything?" I say while preparing my brushes.

"Nope, I trust you." She smiles.

I smile back.

Kayleigh this is your chance to redeem yourself for whatever you did wrong last week, you've got this. I think to myself while taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay Kayleigh?" Demi asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lie, half smiling. Don't freak out!

"You've got this." She reassures me and I make a start.

Demi finishes her time with us and I keep getting the feeling that I'm being talked about. Maybe by her, by Brad. I  don't know. This is the worst feeling, maybe this isn't my dream job after all.

"What's up?" Clo asks as she approaches.

"Nothing, why?" I say, shrugging it off.

"Kayleigh, I've been watching you all day. You've been so on edge and totally not yourself. What's going on?" She continues, sitting beside me. 

I sigh. "I don't think I can do this anymore. Everything was so good to start off with, now I think Brad hates me." I tell her.

"Don't think like that Kayleigh, being here proves that you are good enough. Do you think he would have given you the job if you weren't good enough?" She replies, trying to comfort me.

"Kayleigh, can I talk to you please?" Brad interrupts. My heart is in my mouth, my stomach turns.

Taking a deep breath, I just about spit out "Okay."

"Come with me." He says, walking towards his office. I follow and Clo gives me a hopeful look.

I take a seat in his office, bracing myself for what is to come.

"What the hell was that?!" He erupts, making me jump. Okay I definitely wasn't ready for that.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter, my heart pounding and my face turning red.

"She looked like a freaking porn star! I've never seen anything like it in my life! It's appalling!" He shouts, his face red with anger.

"I'm sorry, I'll do better, I promise." I say nervously, my heart still pounding.

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