Chapter 2

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Shoutout to chloexox14 for answering our first RoadTrip Trivia question correctly! Congrats!

Kayleigh's POV:

So all the boys are so genuine and really really nice guys but I'm not going to lie, that Andy one is easy on the eyes. He's gorgeous.

I'm sat on the side lines watching the boys film parts of their video, soon to be joined by Clo.

"Hey girl, you did amazing! The boys' outfits look great!" I say.

"Thank you so much. Some of them were not easy to convince at all. Especially that Mikey." She laughs.

"I feel you, it took some convincing for Andy to even let me touch his face with a brush since this was my first time doing make up for a music video." I laugh.

"Yeah, about that. I heard you two squabbling and laughing the whole way over there." Clo remarks.

"Were we really that loud?" I laugh while watching Andy being a fool with the boys.

"Yeah, you were actually. You were putting poor Brooklyn off, he was trying to decide what colour of bracelets he wanted." She replies laughing.

Bon Jovi's song You Give Love A Bad Name started playing throughout the room as the boys took a break.

"Omg! This is my all time favourite song!" I squeal.

"Mine too!" Clo squealed and we both began singing along and before we knew it we were joined by Andy and Mikey, singing along too.

"Told ya I liked your top." Andy says, giving me a cheeky smile.

"I never would have considered you as a Bon Jovi fan Andy. Mikey, gives off that vibe through his style, but I never thought you would be such a fan Andy" I laugh.

"Thanks, so I have to have tattoos and piercings to like Bon Jovi now do I? Well it looks like you can't be a fan either." He jokes, sitting down next to me.

"Those two seem to be hitting it off don't they?" He says looking in the direction of Clo and Mikey who were currently showing each other their best air guitar.

"Yeah, they have seemed to click" I reply. 

Clo's POV:

When I started this line of work, I always told myself that I'll always be professional and never cross my personal life with my work life. I always said I would never fall for anyone I work with, it's not healthy.

I'm afraid to say, I think I'm starting to like this Mikey. He's got everything going on, tattoos, piercings, amazing style as well as great music taste. Apparently he can sing, which is even better and to top it all off he is beautiful.

Snap out of it Clo!

The Bon Jovi song ends and Mikey and I sit down next to each other.

"I'm exhausted after that." He says laughing.

"Yeah, you definitely gave me a run for my money. That air guitar of yours was sick." I say sarcastically while laughing.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I am the best air guitarist in the band!" Mikey retaliates, defending himself.

"Wrong!" Andy buts in.

"What?" Mikey questions.

"Are you forgetting which band member actually plays guitar? Me! So I am simply the best air guitarist in the band." Andy replies, sounding chuffed. Kayleigh and I laugh.

"Shut up Fovvs!" Mikey laughs.

"Come here boys!" Andy shouts to the rest of the boys who were currently chasing each other around.

"Yeah?" Brooklyn says.

"What's up?" Rye and Jack say together.

"Who's the best air guitarist between me and Andy?" Mikey asks and subtly points to himself, signalling to the boys to say his name.

"Well you're both pretty rubbish." Rye says while laughing.

"I say you Mikey." Jack says.

"Yes!" Mikey celebrates.

"And I though we were friends Jack." Andy says, pretending to sound hurt.

"Sorry dude." Jack replies.

"Well I think you're better Andy." Brooklyn says, trying to make Andy feel better.

"Thanks Brook!" He replies.

"Oi! Stop flirting and get back to work!" Blair shouts from across the room.

"That's our cue." Says Rye.

"See you later girls." Jack says as they walk away.

"Good luck guys!" I shout after them.

"They'll need it!" Blair replies jokingly.

Kayleigh and I laugh as the boys get offended.

A few hours and a few make up touch ups later.

"That's a wrap!" Brad shouts and everyone claps and cheers.

The boys and Blair celebrate with a group hug. That's kind of sweet actually.

"Well, I guess we better go pack up our things." Kayleigh says standing up.

"Yeah, I suppose so." I agree and walk towards my stuff and begin to pack up. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I turn to see it's Mikey. My heart pounds, he's so perfect.

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for your help today. We couldn't have done it without you." He says cheerfully, smiling at me.

"No problem Mikey, I'm glad you liked at least some of the clothes I brought." I say sarcastically.

"Hey, there was no way I was wearing a bright pink shirt. I could not pull that look off." He replies, laughing.

"You could pull any look off Mikey, believe me. Even a black bin bag." I reply, being serious but trying to laugh it off.

"Why thank you. I have recently pulled off wearing a bed sheet in one of our recent covers now that you mention it." He laughs, placing a hand on my shoulder which makes my heart skip a beat.

I laugh hysterically. "Why does that not surprise me?" I say.

"It is what it is, you should check it out on YouTube." He replies with a wink.

"Maybe I will." I reply, my cheeks glowing pink.

"I hope so." He says, looking me straight in the eye. I smile at him shyly.

"Boys lets go!" Blair shouts.

"Oh, I've got to go. I hope to see you again soon." He says flashing that perfect smile before running off with the rest of the boys.

Don't do this Clo! You can't like him! You'll probably never see him again anyway. I think to myself as I pack up the rest of my equipment with a smile on my face.

Well guys! That's another chapter! I hope you're enjoying it!

Our next question for RoadTrip Trivia is: What is Rye's emoji?

Congrats again to: Chloe



Shannon xx

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