Chapter 10

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Brooklyn's POV:

It's 9am and I'm rudely awakened from a beam of sunlight streaming through the curtains. Looks like I'm up for the day. Andy and Rye are already awake surprisingly.

"Morning Brook." Andy says tiredly from his bunk above me.

"Morning And." I reply while stretching.

"What's the plan for the day then?" Rye asks, not taking his eyes off his laptop.

"I think Blair said something about a cover." I reply.

"Guys! Kayleigh just text me! She needs help! Quick let's go!" Andy panicks, scrambling down from his bunk as quick as he can. I don't think I've ever seen him move that fast. It was quite funny actually.

"Guys! Hurry up!" He shouts, quickly changing his clothes and Rye and I get ready.

"Another text, it's to do with Clo!" He reads off his phone, still panicking.

"Mikey! Get up! Clo's in trouble!" Rye shouts in Mikey's ear, who is still sleeping.

"What? What's going on?!" Mikey sits up in a panic.

"Kayleigh needs help, something to do with Clo! We need to get over there! Hurry up!" Andy explains, putting a jacket on.

"Jack! Up now!" I shout, throwing a pen at him. He groans in response and turns over.

"Jack! Get up now or so help me I'm dragging you out of that bed!" Andy shouts.

"God! I'm up! Happy?" He snaps, sitting up.

"Now get moving!" Mikey says, putting his shoes on.

"Waiting for you Jack!" Rye adds.

"Guys! Calm down!" He replies, quickly changing and walking out the door.

"Oh look, last one up and first one out the door!" Jack says sarcastically.

"Shut up Jack!" I laugh as we all follow.

"Guys, I've just realised. I have no petrol in my car! We're going to have to walk/run." Rye admits.

"Are you joking?" Andy asks, sounding disgusted and taking off down the road.

After about 15 minutes of walking and running, we arrive at Kayleigh's flat. Andy bangs on the door with his fist and a worried Kayleigh opens the door.

"Hey, come in." She says.

Wails and cries erupt from the living room, making Kayleigh jump.

"It's okay, we're here now." Andy say quietly and gently hugging her.

"What the hell is going on?" Mikey asks concerned and out of breath.

"Just look! I've tried to talk to her! I've never seen her like this! Maybe she'll listen to you Mikey." Kayleigh explains, moving away so we can see into the living room.

Sure enough Clo is sitting on the floor, with her back to the sofa with a book in her hand, hysterically crying.

"What am I looking at right now?" I ask.

"Wow! She is most certainly not fine right now!" Rye says.

"Clo! What's going on?" Kayleigh timidly shouts from the hallway.

"He's dead!" She screams, Mikey bravely enters the room and walks towards her slowly as if she's some kind of wild animal.

"Who's dead?" Rye asks from the doorway, I actually think he's a bit freaked out.

Keep The Faith - RoadTrip FanFiction Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat