Being Jayne Collin's Daughter - Chapter 4

Depuis le début

About an hour and a half later and we had filmed the ending, personally i thought it was wierd to film a video backwards but im not in charge so i just went along with it, getting piggy-backs from max, mucking about on the poles with tom, getting shown more things about the flip with jay, getting big bear-hugs from siva and spending alot of time with nathan, and i mean alot.

We were on the edge of the building after going inside, i had begun to feel queasy so me and nathan went up top and were now sitting on the roof floor watching the sun come up, he leant back on his hands and smiled at me

"you feeling any better?"

i nodded slowly but found myself move slightly so i could lie down and rest my head on his lap, he allowed me to get comfortable before gently brushing a stray hair from my face and giving me a smile warmer than the sun.

I smiled back before turning and facing the sun, the sky looked absolutely beautiful at this time of day.

"its beautiful isnt it?"

he nodded

"the most beautiful thing ive ever seen"

i smiled but deep down i felt slightly gutted that it wasnt me

"nothing can ruin an amazing thing like that can it?"

i continued to admire the perfect colours, nathan shook his head slowly, he was still staring at me but I chose to ignore it.

“nothing can”

I looked up at him blankly

“you weren't even looking dumbo”

“i was... just looking at other things too”

I raised an eyebrow at him

“oh yeah? Like what?”

he shrugged and leant back, breaking our eye contact and looking at the sun

“just different things”

I sat up and jumped up before looking down at him

“well besides the sun the only beautiful things here are the coke spill from tom and max's fight, the big scary black box thing that jay tripped over which sent him into siva and mum”

whilst saying this I was walking about the roof, nathan had jumped up and was following me along as I twirled and listed nice looking things on the roof, I reached a bar held up waist height by two other poles and stopped and rested my arms on it, nathan appeared in front of me

“your a terrible guesser”

I poked my tongue out at him and he laughed, causing me to laugh with him, his laugh might not be as contagious as toms but its still pretty bad.

“so tell me then”

he shook his head

“you gotta carry on guessing”

I sighed and thought for a moment, looking around, I had listed everything... I paused, not everything.. he couldnt be serious... I would never have expected that... I dont think I could handle it... it would be very worrying... I dont even know how the rest of the band would react... mainly what would mother say... I looked up at him and he stared into my eyes.


our eyes didnt break contant for a second


I paused and looked at the floor before I felt his hand slowly lift my head up, our faces were millimetres apart and I was desperate to find out if what I thought was true...

Being Jayne Collin's DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant