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When Mickey heard a knock on his front door in the middle of the night, he was immediately prepared to open the door, tell whoever it was to fuck off, then shut it in their face once more and go back to bed.

But when he was greeted with a hollow and distant looking Ian, he couldn't help but mumble a quick "Christ Ian..." before letting him in

He didn't even know why he let him in.

The fuck broke up with him about a month ago and now he's coming here feeling all mopey? The hell?

He was pissed. And who could blame him? All he ever tried to do was help the redhead, and what does he get in return? A broken heart and an empty house.

Course, he's not as angry as he wants to be.

He's seen this before. Ian hasn't been taking his meds again.

Why he came to Mick's doorstep at 2:30 in the morning though was beyond him.

Nevertheless he sat Ian on the couch and grabbed some of his old meds from the cupboard.

One of the few things Ian didn't take with him, go figure.

Mickey settled down next to his ex-boyfriend, somehow managing to get Ian to take the the medication necessary.

He sighed.

"Come on Ian, let's get you to bed..." He spoke quietly, leading the taller into their old bedroom and allowing him to get under the covers.

The blue eyed boy watched Ian get settled for a moment before deciding to go sleep in his brothers old bed.

Well, that was his plan at least.

That was his plan before he felt Ian tug on the hem of his shirt and practically whimper a small "Stay..."

And who was Mickey to disobey when he looked like a kicked puppy?

"God damn it Gallagher."

Mick crawled into the bed and under the covers before being all but yanked into Ians arms.

He sighed, and a few minutes later he heard the other mans steady breathing, which in turn caused the himself to, as best he could, ease down and settle into a deep slumber as well.


"Well is he awake?" asked the voice on the phone.

"Nah, he's still asleep, don't wanna wake him." Mickey replied as he finished telling his sister the situation as well as, and this don't make him some little bitch, how he felt towards the whole thing, getting his emotions off his chest.

The voice hummed in response.

Silence settled between them for a moment.

"Anyways, thanks for listening to me rant or whatever you bitch." Spoke Mick.

Mandy laughed, "No problem asshole...anyways, I gotta go, want me to come over later?"

"No I'm good, I'll see you later"


Mickey couldn't help but smile at his sister's kind gesture after they hung up.

She and his brothers helped him with a lot of shit after they found out he was gay, had to keep it from Terry for years, and even now, they continued to help him through shit, including his break up.

He considered himself lucky to have people help him through all that emotional shit.

He turned around, suddenly hearing footsteps coming from the bedroom door.

"Hey firecrotch, didn't mean to wake you. You feel better?"

Ian nodded, awkwardly looking away from the shorter.

Mickey stared to the ground, nodding his head in an understanding acknowledgement, thinning his lips together.

"So uhm, you don't have to worry about me being all clingy and shit, I won't get the wrong idea or anything." Mick breathed, "I uh...I know we're still..." He clears his throat, "Still separated or whatever."

Ian continues to say nothing.

Christ the least this fuck could do was say something.

"So you just gonna stand there all day or you gonna get the fuck out?" Mickey blurted, meant to be a joke.

It came out harsher than intended.

There was another beat of silence before Ian spoke up.

"...Listen, Mick I-" He stopped himself, sighing, "I know what I did and all but-"

"Fucking hell Ian, I've been going through hell trying to forget about you, Mandy and my bothers even tried to help, and then you just come back like I'm some sort of coping buddy? Shit man...I really don't wanna give a fuck about you right now but-" another sigh, "Look when you came here last night...the way you looked...I couldn't...I couldn't just leave you out-"

"I'm sorry." Ian blurted, voice trembling.

"I was stupid and I wasn't thinking and all you ever did was take care of me b-but I just, I just pushed you away and I'm sorry."

Mickey stared in shock at the apology, saying nothing and letting the air fill with silence, there seemed to be a lot of that today.

"I'm sorry. And I don't expect you to forgive me but this past month has been hell for me too. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd said and how you looked and I hadn't even thought about the fact that I wasn't taking my meds until I was already dead tired for days and halfway to your you always bug me about the pills..."

Green eyes stared down at the floor, shame emanating off of him.

"...I fucking hate you Ian." Mumbled Mickey, walking up to the taller, grabbing his neck and pulling him down for a longing, desperate, hopeful kiss.

He missed him, so what?

When he pulls away to breathe, looking into the leafy eyes above him, he speaks.

"So firecrotch, what do you want for breakfast?"

Ian laughs. Its a nice sound.

"Whatever your making."
(I am horribly dissapointed with the way this one is written ;^; Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've just been drawing a blank for these two. And if I do have an idea, I postpone it because it doesn't seem to flow right, I don't want it to turn out bad for you guys. Anyways, this is literally based on a dream I had. Yes, I actually had a dream about gallavich -_- and this isn't the first time......uh, anyways! hope you enjoyed.)

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