c h a p t e r 27

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Zaynab had decided that now it was time for her to tell Hassan about how much she loved him. After that little moment that they had shared, telling him how she felt would be the only way of knowing where they stood before each other, what they meant to each other. And Zaynab was determined to know.

What they had shared was very special to her, something beyond amazing, but of course, she wanted Hassan to have initiated it because he felt the same way about her and not because he felt obliged to do so.

Zaynab looked at Hassan, who was lying down beside her. Although it was past midnight, she could tell from Hassan's fidgeting fingers that he wasn't asleep.

"Hassan?" Zaynab called.

Hassan opened his eyes and turned his head to face her.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I hope I didn't wake you up," Zaynab said.

"No, I wasn't sleeping," Hassan replied.

"There...there was something I wanted to tell you," Zaynab said, nervously.

"Go ahead," Hassan said.

Suddenly, Zaynab thought it was a very bad idea. All those thoughts she had been having came back. The fear that he might not reciprocate her feelings came back. The fact that she'd make things very awkward between them in case he didn't reciprocate them came back. The fact that she had had such a horrible and dark past which affected her present life also made her realise that Hassan might not reciprocate her feelings. Rather, he was just nice to her because he saw it as his duty as a Muslim and as a husband and generally because he was a great guy.

"Uh, well. I just wanted to ask, did you speak to Yasir?" Zaynab asked, discarding the idea of telling him her feelings.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I spoke to him about marriage. He said he doesn't mind. Then I told mum about your friend and mum thinks she'd be a great girl for Yasir. So now, that leaves for mum to tell Yasir about her," Hassan said.

"Oh, Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much, Hassan. JazakAllah," Zaynab said, feeling genuinely happy that things were working out for Arwa.

"Waiyyakum. And you don't need to thank me. Yasir is my brother, so this becomes a duty for me," Hassan said, with a smile.

Zaynab nodded her head. Suddenly, she yawned and instinctively covered her mouth with her hand as she did so.

"Tired?" Hassan asked.

"Yeah, it's been a long day. Uni, then at Arwa's, and all," Zaynab replied.

"Go to sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow again," Hassan said.

"Okay. Good night, Hassan," Zaynab said, closing her eyes, snuggling to her pillow.

"Good night, Zaynab," Hassan replied, before closing his own eyes again.


Hassan was just reciting the last verses of Surah Yasin after he had finished the Qur'an class with Zaynab the following evening, and Zaynab listened to him attentively.

"Awalam yar al insaanu anna khalaqnahu min nutfatin fa idha huwa khasimun mubeen. Wadhwarabalana mathalan wa nasiya khalqa qala man yuhyil 'idhaama wa hiya rameem. Qul yuhyi al ladhi an shaa' ahaa awwala marra wa huwa bi kuli khalqin aleem. Al ladhi ja'ala lakum minash shajaril akhdhwari naara fa idha antum minhu tuqiduun. Awalaysal ladhi khalaqas samaawati wal ardhwa biqaadireen alaa an yaqhluqa mithlahu balaa wa huwal khalaaqul aleem. Inna maa amruhu idha araada shay'a an ya kula lahu kunn fayakunn. Fa subhaanal ladhi biyaddi hi malaqutu kulli shay'in wa ilayhi turja'un."

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