c h a p t e r 2

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"Zaynab, why?"

That was the first thing Avarielle said when Zaynab narrated everything her aunt had said to her to her the following day at the university campus.

"Ava, tell me. Do I have a choice?" Zaynab asked.

"You can always run away, Zaynab!" Ava replied, for what seemed like the millionth time since the two of them became best friends four years back.

"I can't. You know that, Avarielle!" Zaynab replied, clenching her teeth.

"Don't call me Avarielle," Ava said, frowning at Zaynab. "But Zaynab, she's reached the point of influencing your life decisions by threatening you!"

"Ava, if only you knew how bad it is living with her. Even though she's influencing my life decisions, at least if I listen to her, I'll continue to have a roof over my head. She told me that if I don't agree, then she'll kick me out! Then what do I do?" Zaynab replied.

"Zaynab," Ava said, slowly. "Can't you come stay with me and my family?"

Zaynab looked at Ava wide-eyed. "Ava! No, I can't! You know that!"

"Why not?" Ava demanded. "Samina tortures you, her son bullies you, and now she's influencing your life decisions by threatening you! So why the heck can't you come and stay with me?"

"I can't be a burden on anyone else, Ava. Besides, it's not just about the staying. Lets say even if I do come and stay with you, then what about my education? Who'll pay for me? My aunt will definitely stop paying for it! And you know, Ava, that my education is the most important thing in the world for me. In a couple of years, I'll be a doctor and then I wouldn't have to be a burden," Zaynab explained.

"Zaynab, I feel for you, honestly. I wish there was something I could do for you," Ava said, remorsefully.

"Just the fact that you're there as someone for me to talk to is enough. My home life is miserable and filled with torture. And here in uni, people don't really prefer hanging out with a nerd like me. So just you being with me is more than enough," Zaynab replied, and Ava put her arm around Zaynab's shoulder to give her a comforting side-hug.

Their break was soon over and the lecture was to start. Zaynab entered the lecture hall, and a while after the lecture had started, the Dean came into the hall, and the professor stopped talking.

"I need to speak to Zaynab Hamdan. Which of you is Zaynab Hamdan?" The Dean asked.

Zaynab shyly and shakily raised her hand, wondering why the Dean wanted to talk to her. Some of the students turned around to look at her. Zaynab was so glad this was university and people were mature enough and didn't taunt her or bully her. Back in secondary school, being the nerd, she was always the victim of bullying and the subject to social harassment.

"Please follow me, miss," the Dean said to Zaynab.

Ava gave her a reassuring smile as she stood up and walked past the row of students, and went down the steps.

Zaynab followed the Dean as he led me out of the lecture hall and through the corridors. He then unlocked one of the doors which led to his office.

The Dean's office was a typical minimalist office, which gave off a serious vibe. Zaynab had been here before, and there were never any changes in this place. The Dean seemed to be keen on keeping his office as it was.

"Please have a seat, Miss Hamdan," the Dean told Zaynab.

Zaynab did as she was told and sat on the seat opposite to the Dean with the Dean's office table in between them.

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