Chapter 30

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Allison's P.O.V

We all woke up pretty early this morning because we have to leave today and we wanted to go back to Disney world before we left. We all packed up and headed to Disney world. The boys rode in a car with all the girls in the other. We finally made it to Disney world after the long drive.

We rode all the rides and left, we stopped and ate at Burger King while we headed to the airport. After an hour we finally made it to the airport. I was sad that we were leaving but I was kinda excited to go back home.

We got on the plane and I fell asleep as soon as I sat down, I guess waking up at 5:30 in the morning will do that to you. I woke up in my room laying on my bed.

I took a shower, and did my normal routine. I picked out my favorite black crop top with my light washed skinny jeans, with a pair of black vans. I didn't feel like putting makeup on so I just did eyeliner and lip gloss.

I went downstairs to see Blake asleep on the couch.

"Blake!" I screamed jumping on top of him.

"Hey sexy, what you doing?"

"Nothing just got out of the shower. I need to go get my nails done want to come with?"

"Uggh I don't really want to but since you asked sure let's go."

I kissed him while I grabbed his hand and he grabbed the keys to his Harley. We went to the Salon near the mall because Blake had to go buy something, so I went and got my nails done while he did whatever it was at the mall.

*1 Hour Later*

We are now leaving and heading back to the house, when I get a call from Alex.

Allison: Hello?

Alex: Hey, are you on your way home?

Allison: Yea, why?

Alex: Mom and dad are home.

Allison: Are you serious? But their not supposed to be here until next month.

Alex: Yea well plans changed, you and Blake need to get here because they need to talk to you.

Allison: Ok, love you bye.

Alex: Love you, bye.

I told Blake everything and we got to the house in no time. I walked inside with Blake holding my hand to see mom and dad on the couch with his parents.

"Mom dad what's going on?" I asked

"Oh nothing sweetie just talking to the Anderson's." My mother said sweetly.

"Umm ok. Why are you here so soon? I thought you guys didn't leave till August for your cruise."

"Yea well we decided not to go because you and Alex are graduating this year and we don't want to miss anything." My father said.

"Oh ok will I'm going up to my room." Before I could my mother stopped me.

"We need to talk to you and Blake for a second, come have a seat."

We took are seats and that's when I knew something was up.

"Ok what's going on?" I asked

"We know." That's all they said.

"Ok... know about what?" I asked confused.

"We know your pregnant." My mother said.

"Wha-" I tried to say when Mrs. Anderson interrupted me.

"You need to get rid of it. I will pay for it and everything but you are 17 years old and you are not going to trap MY son in marriage when he is only 17!!" She screamed.

"She's right dear, I know it's your baby but your just a child. Your going to be a senior this year and I don't want a child to ruin your future." My mother said

"I can't believe you guys!! I'm not pregnant!!! And even if I was I wouldn't get an abortion!! How dare you Mrs. Anderson?!? You have no right to tell me what to do with my life and I would never trap Blake in a marriage... hell we don't plan on getting married until after college."

"Umm actually Allison I need to tell you something." Blake said.

"I planned on doing this on our trip but we are still in high school and I wanted to wait but I have to tell you this." He said getting down on one knee.

Oh my god!!!

"Allison Sailor you make me wake up everyday just so I can see that beautiful smile, I love to wake up with you in my arms and I love to fall asleep with you in them. I love to go shopping with you and to get your nails done. I love that I got this tattoo to represent our love. Allison you make me so happy every single day and I can't believe I was so lucky to be able to call you mine. Allison Sailor will you make me even happier by marrying me?"

At this point I was crying so much I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head and jumped in his arms but of course the moment had to be ruined.

"NO!!!! I forbid it!!!! You can't get married your 17!!!! You don't even know what love is and your still in high school. I will not allow you to marry her Blake." His mother screamed pulling him away from me as my father grabbed ahold of me.

"Yea well to bad mom because my birthday is next week and I'll be 18 and Allison's birthday is next month and she'll be 18 so we don't need your approval." Blake said trying to get out of his mothers and fathers hold.

"You!! This is all your fault!!!! Your the reason why my son is going to ruin his life!!! Why couldn't you go be a little slut to someone else?!?"

"Hey!!! My sister is not a slut!!!" Alex screamed running down the stairs.

My dad loosened his grip long enough for me to run over to Blake. Even though he wasn't able to hold me it didn't stop me from giving him the most passionate kiss of all time.

The End

Hey everybody I hope you liked this chapter sadly it was the last one. But I will be posting a epilogue in a few days so you will get to see what happens.

I'm sorry if some of you think this is to short, and bad but this was my first story ever posted so... but I feel good about it and I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it.

I love you all and thank you all so much for reading my story.

I love you all😘😘😘

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