Chapter 11

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Blake's P.O.V

A few minutes after we came back to the house with the beer and stuff people started to crowd the place. I lost Allison but I knew I would find her later, I can hang out with Alex while she hangs out with her friends. I keep her away from them enough.

"Dude I think you and Aquarius should hook uuuppp!!!!!!" Alex screamed over the music.

"Nah man, I'm good she's not my type."

That wasn't a total lie, like I would hit it then quit it but that's all, but Allison she's my queen she's my world my everything.

"Well than just fuck her man, I mean she is basically throwing herself to you..." Alex said.

"Yea for real, also her and Brennan broke up a few days ago dude." Nathen said

"Guys I don't want to 'tap that' ok!" I screamed over the music.

"Ok, geez dude chill." They said.

William left us a few minutes ago, I'm actually glad he did I hate him. I knew the reason why Alex and him got in a fight too. Because he liked Allison and Alex told him to fuck off, I just hope he doesn't kick my ass like he did with William and will let be with his sister.

I love her, I want to marry her someday, I want her to be the mother to my children. I have to go and find her.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go hangout with some of the girls." I said

"You get it man, tell me who you spelt with ok!!" Alex said

"Will do!" I mumble "Not" under my breath.

I don't think he wants to know that I spelt with his sister.

I start looking around but I couldn't find her, the last time I saw her she was in the living room watching people dancing, where she go.

"Hey Blake!!" Aquarius said

This is going to be fun.

"Hey Aquarius, do you know where Allison might be?" I asked.


Because she's my girlfriend and I want to see her duhh.

"Alex is drunk out of his mind and we need to take him home." Which wasn't a complete lie he was wasted but not enough to go home.

"Ohh, well she went outside with William."

Just the sound of his name made me angry, I curled my hands into fist and asked calmly as possible

"Ok thanks, do you know why she went with him?"

"He said he had to tell her something, and your welcome." She left and started to dance to the song wobble. While I went outside to find Allison.

She wasn't in the front yard so I headed towards the gate to the pool. I went around to the side of the house when I saw Allison up against the house and William against her kissing her.

How the fuck could she do this to me?? Especially after she was cheated on and she knows what it feels like??

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I screamed getting their attention.

Allison's P.O.V

I knew from the sound of his voice it was Blake.

William finally got off of me and screamed "Get out of here Blake!!! Don't you see that we're busy here!!"

Oh god there's going to be a fight.

"Oh I see that, I just want to know why it's with MY girlfriend??" Blake said.

My Brothers Best Friend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora