Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Allison's P.O.V

"Oh Taylor, yes right there." and all I could think about was wow cheat on me so you can go screw your ex-girlfriend!! I was mad, sad, and most heartbroken than it all turned into anger. No, I wasn't angry I was full-on pissed. I quietly walked back downstairs and changed my attitude. I was going to be the same sweet little cheerleader that everybody thought I was, but a lot more wasted.

I walked into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of crown, some coke I mixed it together and downed it. The burning sensation was awful but at the same time, it was good. But I didn't care if I have the worst hangover ever or made a fool of myself I just wanted to forget, forget everything that I just found out about Troy's hobby... by getting drunk.

I grabbed a beer and another after another I lost count I drunk so many. Then there he was, walking down the stairs like nothing ever happened like everything was ok. But it wasn't ok, and it pissed me off even more that he was ok with all of this.

He saw me leaning against the wall with a beer in my hand. He came up to me and kissed my cheek, I smiled nicely and stared to sing (Gives you hell by The all American regrets) he looked at me like I was stupid, but in reality, he was the stupid one if he thought it's ok to cheat on me.

I saw Taylor coming down the stairs fixing her hair, well trying to. I then saw her smiling at me... wait no not me Troy. I don't know what came over me I turned him around and slapped him as hard as I could. My hand started stinging from how hard I slapped him, then I saw a red handprint forming on his face.

He looked at me with anger on his face and in his eyes. "WHAT THE HELL!?! WHY DID YOU FUCKING SLAP ME!?!?"

"Oh please like you don't fucking know!! I can't believe I ever loved you!!" I said being able to hear how pissed I was in my voice.

"I don't know why all of a sudden you turned into a raging Bitch and started slapping people!! I don't know what I ever saw in a pencil-neck virgin like you, oh wait yea I do I just wanted to fuck you! But you NEVER gave it up!!"

He raised his hand to slap me but before he could Blake came up to him and punched him square in the nose, I hope he broke it. Blake looked so angry until he looked at me, he looked at me and his face started relaxing a little when he saw me but I could tell he was still mad as hell I was too. Then all of a sudden I felt dizzy and everything went black.


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