Chapter 19

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Allison's P.O.V

"We got your text results back in, you are not pregnant. Actually you had a little stomach bug, it feels like your not sick and you don't have a temperature so it's just a little bug going around."

"Umm ok thank you, but why haven't I gotten my period? My cycle is just like my friends and they have already had theirs."

"Well have you been stressed lately, like with school, family, work? Anything like that can make you become stressed and it could throw off your cycle. But don't worry about that because as soon as your relaxed you cycle will go back to normal."

"Ok think you Dr."

"Anytime dear, have a good night."

"You too."

I hung up and smiled ear to ear. I'm not pregnant, I'm not pregnant! I was happy but at the same time kinda sad that I wasn't weird right. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Aquarius jumped on me screaming "whoooo!!"

We all hugged, and they left while I touched up my makeup then I left the bathroom.

"Heyyy baaabbbbyyyyy." Some kid said holding my hand.

"Ummm who are you?" I asked taking my hand back.

"Baby it's me, your boyfriend... Zack." He said leaning in to kiss me.

"Ewww as if!!" I screamed pushing him off me

"Oh come on Allison, baby you can't wear a dress like this without someone getting lucky with you tonight." He said pinning me to the wall and kissed me with his hand going up my thigh.

I tried to push him off but he was to heavy, the smell of alcohol was all over him. I knew who he was he played football he was QB2. He knew who I was too, that's what scared me the most he's been trying to get back at Blake since we were in middle school because Blake got QB1.

"God Allison, your so beautiful and you smell like vanilla." He said kissing my neck and down to my cleavage that was showing. I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't budge.

I was really getting scared now I was stuck with a drunk asshole, everybody else was dancing and having fun, all my friends left me, Blake is probably in there thinking I'm ok and still in the bathroom, but I was anything but ok.

That's when it hit me play along.

"Hey Zack." I said in my "sexy" voice.

"Yea baby?" He said still kissing my neck.

"Come on, let's go get a room." I said kissing his neck.

"Ok, yea sure let's go." He grabbed my hand and had a strong grip on it and led me to the elevator.

"Wait!" I screamed.

"What?" He asked looking pissed.

I had nothing, I couldn't think of a possible solution until I remembered what Amanda told me earlier.

"Actually we're doing really good, I over herd him talking to some of the guys and he got us a room!!"

"I already have a room, but I don't have the key."

"Ok, so who does?" He said tightening his grip on my hand I swear if he goes any tighter my hand is gonna break.

"Amanda... she's holding it for me."

"NO!!! let's go!!!" He screamed dragging me to the elevator right then I started to scream to the top on my lungs.


He slapped me across the face saying "Shut up you stupid whore!!!"

He got us in the elevator and hit a floor number. While we were going up he pinned me to the wall and whispered in my ear "Your finally mine all mine. You know I've loved you since the sixth grade when I saw you walk in with Alex and Blake making you smile and laugh, I remember how I wanted to be the one who made you smile and laugh like that but Blake got in my way." He said with such anger I was shaking.

"Well why didn't you talk to me we had every class together."

"You wouldn't have gave me the time of day if I paid you!" He screamed tightened his grip on my arms.

"You don't know that, you never came up to me and talked to me."

"Yes I did!!!!! You were at your locker with Britney and when she left I came up to you and asked you if you would like to go to the movies with me and then your boyfriend came up and laughed in my face and said "She can do way better, actually she has me and theirs no one better then me." and pulled you away, out the doors."

"Ok but that was Blake not me." As soon as I closed my mouth he slapped me again and the elevator door opened. He dragged me to a room with me screaming but he just put his hand over my mouth. He dragged me into the room and threw me on the bed, he took off his shirt and unzipped his pants now he was just standing there in his underwear. He came over to me then tied me too the bed and ripped my dress off.

Right then I knew he was going to rape me. I can't move I can't scream and nobody knows I'm up here. I'm going to be raped by this drunk asshole.

"You'll all mine Allison Sailor, finally."

He got on top of me, unhooked my bra, then started to slide his hands down my whole body and to my underwear. He hooked his fingers in them and pulled them off, he then pulled down his boxers and was getting in position to go in me when...

I know it's short and I'm sorry for that also for the cliff hanger I left you on.

I hope you liked it and please comment and vote.

I love you all hope you enjoyed it😘😘😘

My Brothers Best Friend Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ