The Cavity (P1)

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Tamaki gasped. "He's awake! We'll have to use a substitute. We've got no choice." I watched him speed to grab his teddy bear as he placed it next to Honey like a ninja then returned to hiding with the twins and Haruhi. Honey threw the bear on the floor and got up while the three boys continued screaming.

"Who's responsible for this? Who got Usa-chan dirty?" He asked grumpily as he found his bunny in the tea.

"Mori-senpai, don't let him hurt us." They pleaded.

"He wanted tea so Usa-chan decided to have a drink." I laughed quietly at their idiocy while the rest of the room was silent.

"I see so that's why his face is all dirty isn't it? Hey, do you think he wants some cake too?"

I walked over to them while Honey found some cake and sat at the table. "He is a bit dirty isn't he? Would you like me to go and give him a bath?" I asked with a smile on my face, carefully choosing my words.

"Okay." Honey piped happily with a laugh. He gave me usa-chan and I took him to the store room and cleaned the stain off well, careful to wash him properly without the fear of shrinking. 'Now I just need to find something to dry him with. Surely there's a hairdryer or something around here somewhere.'

I looked through all of the cupboards and finally found a hairdryer. I plugged it in and sat Usa-chan on the bench as I let the hot air dry the rabbit. After a while he dried out but still smelt of soap and tea so I took some of my scented hair detangler and sprayed it on his face. I didn't use it much, only when I wanted my hair to smell good. That was the girly side of me coming out. I liked sweet scented things.

I took him back out to Honey after inspecting it thoroughly and smiled. "Here you go, all clean." I declared.

"Mmm. He smells yummy (y/n). What sort of soap did you use?"

"It's a secret." I held a finger over my lips and chuckled.

"No way. It's like new. How'd you get it so clean?" Haruhi asked me.

"If it ever happens again I'll show you." I offered.

The guests finally arrived and Honey resumed eating his cake as he told some girls about Usa-chan. Someone asked him what his favourite form of chocolate was. I wasn't paying too much attention as I had to tend to my own guests. But when the room was silenced I took note of my surrounding peers.

Takashi swiftly grabbed Honey and pried his mouth open. "So is it a cavity?" Tamaki asked.

"Yeah." Takashi announced while Honey tried to palm it off as something he could handle. "Tamaki."

"Yes, you're right. I'll take care of this." He cleared his throat. "Until Honey-senpai gets over his cavity I'm afraid he can't have sweets. Therefore we'll be supportive and ask that you kindly refrain from eating snacks in the club room until this ordeal is over."

I was shocked. Honey's eyes began to water. He pleaded for them not to take away the food. Takashi stood his ground and bluntly spoke. "No more cake."


The next day Honey turned up with a sling around his head and jaw. He resembled Usa-chan a bit. I was watching with Haruhi and the twins when Takashi made Honey give up his bag. He opened it and a mountain of candy fell onto the floor.

"Oh man, that was rough." The twins synchronised.

"I can't help but feel sorry for him." Haruhi admitted.

"You know I had no idea that Mori-senpai could be so brutal.

"You wouldn't expect it. I thought his principals kept him from doing anything to upset Honey-senpai"

"And to think he could get the boss to go along with him."

I listened to the conversation that was a few meters ahead of me. Something wasn't right about all this. Kaoru was right. If anything he did all he could to keep Honey happy. 'Maybe... No, that would be silly wouldn't it? Something so small as a cavity?'

We made it to the club room and I was standing by with not much to do really, even though there were plenty of girls in the room.

"You'd better watch yourselves out there. Don't give any sweets to Honey-senpai, no matter what tricks he resorts to. Oh and incidentally those instructions come from Mori-senpai. This isn't my doing." Kyoya spoke and walked off.

"So is it just me, or does he seem to be enjoying this?" Hikaru asked.

"Of course he's enjoying it can't you see? Without having to provide sweets and other food, it's one less expense he has to calculate and deal with. He's just happy to get a break from it. If you guys couldn't see that then you must really be a bunch of blind blockheads." I walked away with a cloud threatening to storm above my head.

I'd worked out everything that was going on and it made me pretty mad, although there was nothing I could do. 'My best friends are drifting apart because of one's manipulation and on purpose. All for some silly little hole in a tooth. Why can't he just go to the dentist and get it fixed? It's not like it's going to fill itself in. Don't these people have any logic?' I face-palmed myself. I headed for the club door.

"(y/n) where are you going?" Kyoya continued writing in his notebook as he asked me.

"Oh Kyoya my dear friend, it's awful. A sudden wave of sickness has come over me. I don't think it would be wise for me to stay with so many people around. I wouldn't want it to spread." I exaggerated somewhat like Tamaki.

"Sickness? Why you seemed perfectly fine just moments ago. I'm sure it's nothing."

I crept over to him and spoke quietly. "You're right. I'll just take my frustrations out on the the furniture instead of a boxing bag and we'll bring you're small break to an end shall we?"

He gulped at my sarcastically cheerful threat. "Very well. But you must make up for your time."

"Sure, sure, whatever." I left and headed home and down to the dojo nearby. With everything going on at school, it didn't mix well with home either. My father had fully recovered and was supposed to be returning sometime soon. He had healed a while ago but was too chicken to come home and frankly I didn't want him to at all.

My mother and I had been having quite a peaceful time at home by ourselves but the endless excuses for his a scene was unbearable. She'd even started coming out with me when I went places in town. Before she had just kept to herself and stayed home because father wouldn't let her go anywhere, nor would he let me. Every time I thought of him it made my blood boil.

Sure he wasn't as bad as a lot of the parents some kids have but everyone has their own limits and dislikes. It wasn't that he was worried about us. He was over possessive and he didn't want anyone to know that we exist. Even if I was world champion. He still had me pose as a male. He just wanted everything to go his way and for everyone to obey him like he was king of the mansion.

'Yeah well not anymore!' I thought this as I round house kicked the punching bag. I hit it with so much force that the chain broke the beam in the ceiling and flopped to the ground. 'Yet another thing that needs to be fixed in this place. Great.' The walls and everything had already been replaced from our fight. There was still an indent in the ground outside from where I slammed him down. I ordered them to leave it as it was.

Deciding that I had caused enough damage for the day I left and went home. My metal clock had me under the impression that it would just now be getting dark however that wasn't the case. The dojo was a fair way from the house and I always walked to and from it. It was well past 8:30pm.

I walked with my hands in my pocket sighing from the relief I felt after getting rid of my frustrations. I wasn't usually such an angry person and I had no idea where this was all coming from. I was usually a happy, funny, sweet kind of person.

I shook my head trying to rid myself of the thoughts that made me mad. I psyched myself up to change back to how I was normally. I gave myself a little pep talk and reminisced all the fun and happy moments I'd had. When I thought I was finally in a good mood I heard it.


Takashi Morinozuka (Mori)- Fanfiction - OHSHCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant