The Cavity (P1)

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We went back to school the next day and a little girl came wandering in looking for her brother, mistaking Tamaki as that brother. The real brother she was looking for was Nekozawa but evidently, he was unrecognisable. Underneath the hood and the cloak he was equally as handsome as Tamaki hence the confusion.

The boss proclaimed that he would change Nekozawa to suit the image his little sister had of him whilst growing up. In a way, it worked, but then it failed too. He was normal long enough for his sister to see he was this 'princely' big brother she was looking for, but he returned to the darkness shortly after smashing a window to save her from a cat which I found was a bit extreme.

Today we were in the music room and I was trying to catch up on some study by sorting out all of my things which I had spread across the floor. Kaoru and Hikaru were annoying Haruhi trying to get her into a rabbit costume and that's when it happened.

"Now you've done it!" Tamaki was shaking in his shoes.

"It's done alright." Hikaru spoke first.

"But it wasn't our fault." Kaoru tried defending the two of them.

"What? you idiots, you're the ones who bumped into it right?" Tamaki was annoyed by the two.

"Only because haruhi was running away."

"We were trying to catch her because we wanted to have some fun and dress her up in cosplay."

"So what?! We cosplay all the time." At this point Tamaki was really starting to freak out.

"We weren't going with the usual host club costumes."

"We want to see Haruhi in bunny cosplay, disguised as a girl."

"You'd like to see it too wouldn't you?" Both of the twins spoke in a mischievous manner.

"I definitely want to see that. What am I thinking? There's no time for stuff like that right now! I know what you're up to, you're trying to distract me from the mess you've made. Get away from Haruhi you punks!"

"No way."

"Let me go." Haruhi scrambled away from them.

"Excuse me, we don't have any guests at the moment so I don't mind if you make a racket but please, be careful. You don't want to wake Honey-senpai." Kyoya warned them from behind me at the table he and Takashi sat at. The three finally froze and shut up, for the moment that was.

"He's a third year who still takes afternoon naps? Well we're gonna have to tell him about the bunny at some point. Lets just wake him up and apologise." Haruhi was game enough to wake him while the others tried stopping her as much as possible.

They began to talk about something that happened when he was over in America with his parents, something that I knew not to be true. I turned to Takashi and Kyoya. "You're just gonna let them go?" He simply nodded once and returned to reading.

"And there's other evidence that Honey-senpai has an evil side to him. Listen to this. His blood type is AB how'd you like that?" Tamaki went on.

"Yeah so what?" Haruhi gave a deadpanned expression as she spoke. I knew where this was going.

"But Haruhi. That means he's the same blood type as Kyoya and (y/n)." The colour drained from her body as she turned and peered over at us with the others.

"What's the matter? You guys have a problem with our blood type?" We questioned the rude comment.

They began plotting crazy plans as a way to save themselves from what was the wrath of the beast. I sat there and shook my head to myself as they carried on like complete nuts. I packed away my things that I was finally done with and stuffed them into my bag neatly.

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