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[7/9, 13:37] Marilyn: I can finally fit into this dress that I have not worn for years. Bought this dress when I was 28. Been keeping it in a hope that one day I will lose the weight and fit into it again. Praise the Lord!

[7/9, 13:37] Marilyn: Just completed 40 days of prayer and fast. Also been swimming everyday.


[7/9, 14:07] CL: Praise the Lord! You look great, gorgeous, beautiful and attractive! God's precious jewel! You are so perfectly made by God, Hallelujah, glory be to HIM!You are the blessed and favoured child of God. Surely, you will not be the same again, spiritually and physically after your 40 days of fasting, right? You fast for lunch or dinner?or full fast with liquid food? By the way how's your nerves problem? Looking forward to meeting you one day, Dr Marilyn. Have a blessed Sunday.
[7/9, 14:09] CL: 👍🙏😀❤👏🙌

[7/9, 14:14] Marilyn: Initially, fast one meal then 2 meals, and then finally full fast with water only.
[7/9, 14:15] Marilyn: A truly humbling learning experience with the Lord resulting in spiritual and physical transformation. All Glory to God. ✝
[7/9, 14:16] Marilyn: Spiritually, I have gained much from His Word and conviction of Holy Spirit. Through trials and challenges, I have learnt who my God is. Hallelujah! All Glory to God!
[7/9, 14:16] Marilyn: The nerves remain the same.
[7/9, 14:17] Marilyn: Yes, I hope to meet with you too. Was hoping to meet you at the HCF conference in M in April.
[7/9, 14:17] Marilyn: God bless you ✝😘

[7/9, 14:56] PP: You look good  ! The Joy and peace of God and Glory of God is upon you..... Thanks and praise God!
[7/9, 14:57] Marilyn: Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!

[7/9, 13:23] JL: Gorgeousss
[7/9, 13:24] JL: U look so much lifted and younger too
[7/9, 13:24] Marilyn: Praise the Lord! All Glory to God! ✝
[7/9, 13:25] JL: Tq for sharing sayang. So nice to see your smile. Rejocing with u
[7/9, 13:25] Marilyn: 😘😄💞

[7/8, 22:07] FLCH: Look at that V shape face 😘
[7/8, 22:13] FLCH: Ah the accidentally one off coach is happy with theresult 😁
[7/8, 23:11] Marilyn: 😄
[7/9, 10:55] FLCH: Hehe, hope is precious 😋
[7/9, 11:52] Marilyn: Hallelujah!

CLC: V gd!  U lk younger now😊

[7/8, 21:51] ASY: U slim down a lot
[7/8, 21:58] ASY: 👍🏻

[7/10, 09:56] LC: Thanks for this and yesterday's including photo. You look not 28 but 18 and GOOD! PTL. GB
[7/10, 10:41] Marilyn: Praise the Lord!

[7/10, 14:24] P: Looking awesome !! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
[7/10, 16:50] Marilyn: Thanks
[7/10, 16:50] Marilyn: All Glory to God!

[7/9, 16:21] RA: I can't really see the full dress, but ur face is slimmer and radiant!! Beautiful! 😍
[7/9, 16:23] Marilyn: Touch the pic and will see the dress
[7/9, 16:25] Marilyn: But may not be full. Don't know how to do selfie.
[7/9, 17:29] RA: Haha. Get someone to take a full length pic of you. Very hard to do full-self selfie.
[7/9, 17:30] RA: But you are looking so gorgeous and beautiful!! Would love to catch up once I'm back in Sept 😘
[7/9, 17:53] Marilyn: 😘💞😄

[7/9, 17:22] Dr G: You look good la Wei
[7/9, 17:22] Dr G: Congratulations 💋
[7/9, 17:53] Marilyn: Thanks

[7/9, 22:20] AW: wow...u look soo young!!!
[7/9, 22:20] AW: well done
[7/9, 22:21] Marilyn: Thanks 😊

[7/9, 14:41] SL: Praise the Lord! You look nice in this dress.
[7/9, 14:41] SL: Should wear to work one day 👌
[7/9, 14:42] Marilyn: Thanks
[7/9, 14:42] Marilyn: 😊
[7/9, 14:52] SL: God is always good. Through the fasting and prayer to encounter more of Him!
[7/9, 14:52] Marilyn: Hallelujah!
[7/9, 14:52] Marilyn: All Glory to God! ✝
[7/9, 14:52] SL: Hallelujah!

[7/9, 19:59] CKN: Really proud of u. * u look very pretty. Keep up with your good work. Now is the time to ease up the not eating routine.  Have regular frequent small eats. Watch the calories , burn the calories with regular exercise
[7/9, 20:04] Marilyn: Thanks 👍🏻

[7/9, 14:36] G G L: Very sweet
[7/9, 15:06] Marilyn: Thanks. Praise the Lord!
[7/9, 16:21] G G L: Fast only water or skip one meal
[7/9, 16:22] Marilyn: Initially, fast one meal then 2 meals, and then finally full fast with water only.
[7/10, 13:36] G G L: I got 1 red red coat as my measurement to slim n wear that dress again. Will try
[7/10, 13:42] Marilyn: 👍🏻

[7/9, 10:42] RY: Praise the Lord you look so different now
[7/9, 10:42] Marilyn: Yes, hallelujah! ✝

[7/9, 11:25] CSL: WoW
[7/9, 11:25] CSL: Loss weight and slimmest

[7/9, 16:08] Y: look much beautifullll..😘😘😘😘😘
[7/9, 16:24] Marilyn: Thanks 😘💞

KYC: Wow

[7/9, 22:11] MM: Praisw the lord
[7/9, 22:11] Marilyn: Yes, praise the Lord!
[7/9, 22:14] MM: How is ur back?
[7/9, 22:14] Marilyn: Same

[7/9, 14:33] LPS: Hi Dr Marilyn,
Yaa... you did lose quite some weight for your face also.
[7/9, 14:34] Marilyn: Praise the Lord!

[7/9, 14:33] RZ: Good job
[7/9, 14:33] Marilyn: Thanks

[7/9, 11:05] YSL: 👍looking good! How's your numbness?
[7/9, 11:06] Marilyn: Same

SI: 👍🏻

N: 👍🏻

[7/9, 13:22] ET: 👏🏻👍🏻
[7/9, 14:34] AR: 😁
[7/9, 14:34] AR: 👆🏽thats nice
[7/9, 14:35] Marilyn: Yes, praise the Lord!
[7/9, 14:39] SL: Very nice 👍👍

[7/9, 13:36] AL: 👍👏
[7/9, 13:37] AY: 👏👏👏👏👏
[7/9, 13:38] ‪DT‬: ok.. Pentecost diet programme
[7/9, 13:38] DCT: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💃🏻
[7/9, 14:45] G: 👍🏼
[7/9, 18:12] ‪A‬: Wow you really have lost weight. It shows on your face. 👏👏👏👍👍👍

CKN: Really proud of u. * u look very pretty. Keep up with your good work. Now is the time to ease up the not eating routine.  Have regular frequent small eats. Watch the calories , burn the calories with regular exercise

[7/12, 12:41] JHKC: Your dress so sweet👍 able to fit you not wasted  after all these yrs that you kept.

[7/12, 12:43] Marilyn: Praise the Lord!

Journal of My Life with God 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang